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“Yeah, kids are resilient that way,” I said. “He will bounce back fine. And just keep up faith that his conditions get under control.”

I reached out and took his hand. He looked up and smiled at me. I loved that smile. “Thanks.”


I felt that spark between us right then. It was like some kind of electricity that existed just between the two of us. I felt so close to him. I loved what a great man and father he was. I knew he was hurting and dealing with so much right now, but he was still doing it with his head held high. He felt broken a lot of the time. I could tell, but the way he carried on and handled his business and everything else that he had to do was pretty admirable.

I felt such a kinship with him. It only made me more attracted to him to see what a great big heart that he had.

“Jack’s always had these issues? Have any of them gotten better?” I asked.

“They come and go and I’m not sure if there is anything in particular that triggers them. He was born premature and has had to fight for every breath he draws since then. It is something he may have to fight for the rest of his life. That’s the sad thing. I just wish there was something I could do. There is nothing that makes you feel that helpless to know your child is sick and there is nothing you can really do. I hate that feeling.”

“You are getting him the best care possible. So, you are doing all you can do.”

“Thanks,” he replied. “That helps. It’s just a bit overwhelming sometimes. But he is a damn tough kid. I know he will get through it one way or another.”

“You’re right. You will,” I said. I grabbed another glass and poured Mason and I both double shots. Then I took it down quickly in one gulp. “For Jack.”

“For Jack,” Mason said. He took the shot as well.

I wasn’t sure it was the right time, but I felt like something might happen. I decided to go for it.

“So, I’m curious,” I said. “What are you doing Thursday night?”

“Thursday? I’m not sure. Working late. Coming in here and then going home. Just basic weekday. Why?”

“Well, I’m off that night. Would you want to go out to dinner?”

He seemed surprised by the question. He didn’t answer for several seconds. I felt the tension happening now. I could hardly breathe. Dammit. Why did I do that? I shouldn’t have. Was my timing way wrong? He was in a sad mood. Well, I thought this might cheer him up a bit. And it seemed we were really vining together so I went for it. I hoped I hadn’t made a horrible mistake.

The door opened just then and the bell rang. It barely registered to me, at least not at first. I was still waiting on Mason’s answer which was taking a long time.

Suddenly, I felt something. My head began to turn slowly towards the figure who had emerged from the doorway as he came into view. It was Tyler. Shit. Tyler was there. He was in the bar. My bar. What the hell? Why was he here?

I instantly turned towards Big Mike, our bouncer on duty tonight, but I didn’t see him. I remembered he went out for lunch. Fuck. I had no backup. Dammit. What was Tyler doing here?

There was a look of pure hatred in his eyes as he approached the bar. He sauntered slowly, removing his hood and walking towards me with fire in his body. He was ready to do something drastic. I could tell.

“Well, long time, no see,” Tyler said with a grin.

“What are you doing here? I have a restraining order against you. I can call the cops and you go to prison. No question about it. Do you understand me?” I tried to keep my voice steady and firm, but I was quivering. I felt my body weakening. I wanted to fall over in a dead faint.

“Yeah, about that…” Tyler said. “You think that little piece of paper is going to do dick to keep me away? Nah. We are meant to be. Why the fuck won’t you accept that?”

He was getting loud. I could see he was already a bit drunk and very pissed off. He slammed his hands down on the table in anger as if trying to make his point. I stepped back a few steps until my back was against the wall of glasses behind me. I was so scared. I felt like I was about to wet myself.

“This is it,” I said. “We are done. You know that. You need to accept that. You have a legal document against you, now.”

“Yeah, but it’s not going to work. This type of shit is just pissing me off. Do you have any idea what that means?”

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