Page 34 of Breaking Limits

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“This was my choice, I had to protect my father,” I remind him. “When you were out there, did you ever see…”

“You and him?” Wade finishes my question for me.

“Yeah.” I lower my head.

“Yeah, I saw, and I wanted to barge on in here and rip him off ya, but I figured that if you had to suffer it so should I. I thought about all the ways I’d make it up to you when this shit’s over.” He tucks the hair behind my ear and offers me a sad smile.

“Come with me, I got an idea.” I drop my hand into his and lead him toward the stairs.

“What ya doin’?” he asks when we get onto the landing and I start leading him toward the bedroom.

“I want you to fuck me on this bed. I want you to own me, I wanna watch us together in that mirror, and I want this space to become ours.” I take off my jeans and kick them across the room.

“You're crazy,” Wade tells me as he rushes toward me and lifts me in his arms. “And Ilovefuckin’ crazy.” Throwing me on the mattress he kicks off his boots, forcing his own jeans down before he dives on top of me and starts kissing my neck. The sound of gravel crunching outside forces my hand onto his shoulder so I can push him away, and when I hear a car door slam, the panic in my chest leaps up to my throat.

“Shit.” I drag myself up and carefully step closer enough to the glass to see who it is. Luckily the bed is set far enough back that you can’t see it from the outside or we would be in serious trouble here.

“Leia.” The front door knocks loudly.

“It’s Old Man Mason,” I whisper back at Wade with wide, shocked eyes.

“Well, go get rid of him,” he hisses back at me, looking nervous himself as he rushes to get his jeans back on.

“Leia, you in?” Ronnie bangs the door even harder, and I have to quickly pull myself together so I can deal with this.

“Go.” Wade shoves my jeans at me, and I quickly put them on before rushing down the stairs to stop the continuous thumping at the door.

The whole house is glass fronted so I have to put on a smile right from the top of the stairs and when I open the door to let my father-in-law inside, he studies me hard and suspiciously.

“You took your time answering.” He barges past me and looks around the space surrounding us.

“I was sleeping, it’s still early,” I remind him with a nervous giggle. “What can I do for you?” I try not to think about the fact Wade is upstairs and act as normal as possible.

“Does there have to be a reason for a man to drop by and see his daughter-in-law?” he asks, narrowing his eyes and waiting for my answer.

“Not at all.” I smile.

“Are you going to offer me a coffee?” He looks at me expectantly.

I feel my palms sweating as I try to form words.

“Yeah, sure.” I lead him through to the kitchen, trying to stop my hands from shaking as I turn on the coffee machine.

“Caleb told me the news this morning.” Ronnie hobbles in behind me, resting his hand on the kitchen counter and when I notice his eyes fix on Wade’s rifle, I feel my stomach flip.

“He did. I thought we were keeping it to ourselves for a while.” I can hear the nerves in my voice.

“Don’t be silly, dear, we don’t keep secrets from family.” He makes a creepy smile at me before shuffling over and taking a seat at the table.

“A Winchester.” He lifts the rifle up and examines it. “This doesn’t belong to Caleb.”

“I know, it’s mine.” I come out with the quickest thing I can think up.

“Yours?” Ronnie laughs. “And what’s a pretty, little thing like you doing with a rifle out this early in the morning, planning on going hunting?” He props it back up against the wall and leans forward, resting his elbows on the table.

“No, I was thinking about taking a walk, I thought I saw a wolf last night out the window. I was just being cautious.”

“Being cautious is good in your condition. Maybe you should wait for your husband to be home before you go taking any walks.” There’s a threat in his tone that has me wondering if he’s on to me, and my hand shakes uncontrollably as I place a mug of coffee in front of him. He grabs it before I can pull it away, and it makes me gasp.

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