Page 3 of Breaking Limits

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“You just try keeping me away,” I tell her.

“Yeah, Garrett, I got it all,” I tell my brother down the phone as I reach across the console and grab all the grocery bags. How three things so small could need so much shit is beyond me.

“Doc says Maisie and the babies can come home tomorrow. I want everything to be perfect,” he informs me as I pick up the big box of diapers. I pin my cell between my ear and my shoulder while my hip nudges the truck door shut.

“Garrett, everythingisperfect, you’ve practically had the place fumigated,” I remind him as I struggle with the front door handle.

“Josie?” I call out to our housekeeper, buying this stuff off a list Garrett sent to me was hard enough, I have no idea where all this crap is supposed to go.

“Where the fuck is Josie, and why the hell didn’t you call her to get all this shit?” I snap at my brother when I get no response from her.

“She’s in Oregon, visitin’ her brother. What d’ya need her for?”

“You let our housekeeper go on a vacation when we got three new babies arrivin’?” I question his sanity. “Garrett, where is all this stuff goin’? There’s loads of it, and everything here is pris-fuckin-tine.

“Just dump it all in the nursery, I’ll figure it out when I get home,” Garrett tells me.

“Oh, before you go. I got a call from Noah, he’s back from New York but didn’t want to bother ya.”

“What did he want?” Garrett’s tone changes as I climb the stairs, he knows how important the meeting Noah had with the Organization is as to how we deal with Mayor Walker.

“To let us know how the meetin’ went down. I figured it couldn’t wait so I’m headin’ over there in about an hour.” I come to an abrupt halt on the landing when I see a soaking-wet, red-haired woman step outta the bathroom wearing a towel that's far too small.

“Garrett… Why is there a half-naked woman in our house?” My eyes slowly roll over her while I wait for his response.

“Well, isn’t this place just the gift that keeps on giving?” She smiles, not seeming at all fazed by her state as she studies me right back.

“I’ll leave her to introduce herself.” Garrett scoffs a laugh down the phone. “Let me know what Noah has to say as soon as you’re finished.” He hangs up and when I forget that I’ve got the phone balanced in the crook of my neck and lift my head, it immediately tumbles to the ground.

“Here, let me get that.” She dashes forward and when I crouch down at the same time, our heads collide.

“Shit!” I pull back, trying to focus on something other than her dripping-wet body as I start to gather up all the stuff that’s fallen outta the bags. I figure I should avoid eye contact with her too. I don’t know what it is, but something about her seems destructive.

“Savannah.” She tells me her name, standing back up and holding out her hand for me to shake. I go to take it in mine and realize I’m still holding a tub of diaper rash cream.

“Sorry.” I manage an awkward smile as I place the tub back in one of the bags, then take her hand and shake it firmly.Toofuckin’ firmly.

Her skin feels soft and delicate and I quickly snatch my hand back before it lingers too long.

“You must be Cole, Maisie’s told me a lot about you,” she informs me, bending back down to grab the box of diapers I dropped and making sure her towel remains secure around her chest.

“I take it all this is going in there?” She gestures her head toward the nursery door, and all I can manage is a nod before she sees herself through to the room.

“Maisie said I should make myself at home, that friendly guy in the yard let me in,” she explains as I dump everything in my hands on the changing station. It’s sturdy as shit, I know that because I helped Garrett with the flat pack and he made me test it with my own weight. Now all I can think about is giving it a much different kinda test, with her. Which is a real sick thing to be thinkin’ in a room where my nephews and niece will be sleeping.

“Sorry, who are you again?” I shake the thought outta my head and focus on why the hell she’s even here.

“I was Maisie’s roommate back in L.A.” She smiles at me like there's never been a dark cloud in her sky, and I have to try real hard not to stare at the water droplets that are glistening on her skin.

“I wasn’t sure which room I should take so I just dumped my stuff on the landing,” she informs me, and that bright, friendly smile completely distracts me from what she’s saying.


“My stuff, where should I put it?” she repeats, the seductive little smirk on her face suggesting that she knows exactly what kinda effect she’s having on me.

“I’ll show you into the spare room.” I step out the door and when I see her bags I automatically pick them up off the floor and carry them into the room next to mine. Placing the luggage on Dad’s old bed, I turn around and jump a little when she’s right there in my face.

“Thank you,” she whispers softly. There’s a strand of her soaked hair stuck to her cheek, and I have to squeeze my hand into a fist to stop myself from sliding it away.

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