Page 24 of Power Play

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I nodded. “Yeah, of course. We always host donation games where all proceeds from ticket sales go to charity, but that’s during the season. I want to help now, because I know that registration is coming up for minor hockey leagues, so money is probably tight.”

He scoffed. “You have no idea, Renshaw.” His chair creaked as he straightened. “I’ve got to be honest, I’m very happy to see you here, and to hear that you’re looking to help. We’d be happy to get involved in any way that we can for the Hammerheads, in exchange for some funds. If we don’t…” He paused and shook his head. “Who is the GM these days? I feel so out of the loop with the major leagues since I’m so invested in the minor.”

Coach Hall searched his desk for a working pen and scribbled on the edge of what looked like an overdue invoice from a local taxi company.

“Carl Strickland,” I told him and watched as he jotted down the name.

“I know Carl. Hard-headed, but he means well.”

“That’s the one,” I agreed. “He’s on board with the entire thing.”

“Wow,” Coach Hall breathed. “I don’t know what to say, Renshaw, other than…thank you.”

“No problem,” I admitted honestly. “I wouldn’t be where I am without Power Play.”

I felt like a broken record, blurting the same few words over and over, but they were the truth. My mom wouldn’t have been able to afford the hockey registration, let alone all the equipment that went along with it.

“You have no idea what this means to us, Zach. On behalf of Jessa and myself, seriously…thank you.” His voice was low and full of emotion. With a clear of his throat, Hall was back to being a leader. “Keep me in the loop. Here’s my number, and I’ll give you Jessa’s too. I lose my phone at least nine times a day, so she might be easier to reach.”

I kept my mouth shut, choosing not to tell him that I already knew her number. Hall passed me a sticky note with his number above Jessa’s.

“Appreciate it, Renshaw. I really hope we can work together to raise some much-needed funds.” He nodded toward the door. “Stop by Jessa’s office before you leave. She’s got some great brochures and stats on Power Play that Strickland might be interested in seeing. Help sway him a little, hmm?”

That was the easiest request for me to obey. “No problem. Happy to help.”

With another nod, I was dismissed from Coach Hall’s office, similar to how he had dismissed us on ice during practices and games when I was a kid.

I could hear Jessa’s voice carrying from the other side of the hall. Her office was right next to the door and featured a wall that was one large window, with a baseboard heater blasting heat from it. The room was disgustingly hot. Jessa had two electric fans angled toward her, and she was fanning herself with a Power Play application.

“Yes, that’s fine. As long as the address on your proof of income matches the address you have listed on your application, you won’t need to provide proof of residency too.” She glanced up at where I lingered in the doorway, and her already-warmed cheeks heated further.

Seeing a visible reaction on her every time she looked at me was enough to send me over the edge entirely. Smitten was no longer the word I would associate with how I felt about Jessa. It was more, so much more, and at this point there wasn’t a word yet to describe my feelings.

“Uh-huh, yep. Yes. No problem. Have a great day. Okay, yep, alright. Bye.” Jessa hung up the phone and blew out a long sigh. “I thought she was going to talk forever.”

I chuckled, and that drew Jessa’s attention from her office phone back to me. “Is it hot in here, or is it just you?”

My slick words were dumb, but they roused a small laugh from the girl in front of me.

“My heater is broken, which would make you think it doesn’t work, but it’s the exact opposite. It pumps out heat constantly, but then it decides not to work in the winter.”

I stepped further into the muggy room with a chuckle. “Sounds like you need a new heater.”

Jessa sighed. “Property management is aware, and they stop by at least once a week to poke at my thermostat.”

I stopped at the edge of her desk, leaning forward to rest my hands on the wooden surface. Jessa’s gaze dipped to my arms and lingered there for quite a while before she finally looked back at me.

“I hear you have a brochure and some Power Play statistics that I could bring to the GM.”

Jessa’s brows furrowed. “Yeah…but why would he want those?”

“He doesn’t. I do. I want to help, Jessa.”

“Help what?” She leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms, a position that almost mirrored Coach Hall’s stance only moments ago.

Except I didn’t gaze at Coach Hall’s legs the way I stared at Jessa’s. Her dress had a slit that exposed her creamy skin up to her thighs. I wanted so badly to drop to my knees and part those legs, have my way with her right here in this disgustingly hot office.

I somehow managed to resist and sheepishly met her gaze. There was a hunger that lingered in those grassy green eyes, but it was a timid hunger, curious and restricted. I hoped she’d let me past those restraints eventually, but I knew I needed not to push. I was fine taking things slowly with Jessa; she deserved to feel comfortable every step of the way.

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