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I do not want to be a part of this shitshow, but the more money the executives throw at this, the more they will want in return. I do not want to be so egotistical to believe I am the only one who can save the work, but that is the truth.

I get into the elevator and ascend to the top floor. It was better at the book expo when she was a little more humble, but it's exploded since then and everything is for show now. I hate how superficial it has become, but if I do not get a hold of myself, I will lose out and the whole world will lose out on an essential piece of literature.

I am one of the last to enter the room, and the meeting begins after another publisher joins us. Charlie Morton sits with her suits on one side of the table, and the rest of us sit on the opposite side. I look around to see a bunch of haggard guys with their tongues practically hanging out of their mouths. They can smell the money.

Charlie stands up and addresses the room. "Gentlemen and lady…" She smiles toward the corner of the room. "Thank you all for coming today. I am sure you have all had a chance to read my romance books, and you will know from them that a woman always likes to be wooed. Money is very welcome to any woman, but more than that, I want respect. Some large offers are coming in, and I am close to a decision."

I have not read any of her romance books, and I have no intention of doing so. I had offered her respect and money, so what was holding her back?

One of the suits stands up. "Miss Morton wants a guarantee that she will have creative control when it comes toanyadaptations of her book. When this is published, we all know it will do well. What we need to establish is what comes next."

One of the publishers piped up immediately. "I can guarantee you a trilogy based on the book alone—three movies in cinemas over the next three years and two separate trilogies after that. Then, there are spin-offs to think about. We will make you very rich, Charlie."

I don’t know the man, but I hate him already. There would be so many movies and spin-offs that the original material would be forgotten and wouldn't get the respect it deserves.

Although, I could see Charlie was not discounting it. There's money, and then there is enough money to make you forget your integrity.

"We see it more as a TV show. All the big names are pitching in with streaming services, and you can't tell your story in a movie. It is too detailed to be crushed up and sent out as a movie or eventhreemovies."

The lilting voice perks me up, and I turn to see Teal sitting in the corner. My dick twitches at the sight of her. That is a night I will not forget for a long time. It might have been three weeks ago, but I can still feel her warmth and her scent lingers in my nostrils.

I don’t think I have ever met a woman with such a voracious sexual appetite. Four times through the night, shestillhad energy for a fifth in the morning. I have been wondering when I would bump into her again…

The idea of an episodic show is good, but what else will Good Relations want? They will not stop at only that. I want to tell Charlie to fuck all of that and just publish the book. That is where the gold is, but it would not sway her when she is practically a pole dancer having hundreds tossed at her. Every person has their price.

"I like the idea," says Charlie.

I can't be sure if she likes the idea or the one behind the idea. There is something more there.

It is a waste of time coming here. I will not be drawn into a bidding war, even if I can afford it. I will also not beg to be the one to get the rights. Yet, as I look around at the chumps who call themselves “professionals,” I want to beat them. I cannot let them get their grubby little mitts on the work.

The rest of the meeting is too unimportant for me to pay full attention to. They all talk about everything they will do to ruin this work of art. The only thing I can concentrate on is Teal and the way Charlie looks at her.

I get up from the chair and leave the room to avoid these people.

"Hey." Teal must have been waiting for me. "How have you been?"

"What have you been up to with Charlie?" I ask.

"Yeah? You noticed that? Just a little groundwork so Good Relations can retain their best client."

"What happened to, ‘fuck Good Relations’?"

"Shh!" she says, looking around. "You might not care about this sort of thing, but they'll fire me on the spot for something like that. You don't get to repeat anything I say when I'm drunk, okay? And what am I supposed to do? It's not like I can do anything worthwhile, so I might as well get the IP rights for my company. If someone is going to butcher it, it might as well be us."

"Are you trying to hurt me?" I ask.

"Listen, I know you have a thing for this book, and probably me too because I am so cute, but you don't get to win everything because you are a billionaire."

"You don't get to win everything because you are cute."

"You think I'm cute?" She smiles.

"You are in a much better mood than the last time we were together."

"And you are just as grumpy! Do you think I'm in a better mood because I don't have to shack up with you again?"

"I heard no complaints when you left for the airport in the morning."

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