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I don’t know if that is the truth, though. The detective questioned me for a long time, and there was nothing he did not already know. However, he wanted to get it on the record. I am still determining what comes next. Does he talk with Jessica? Her ex? Would her ex want to press charges?Canhe even press charges?

The future is not clear to me yet, but I promise I will fight to be this child’s father. I want to tell Teal that, but I cannot worry her right now with any of that while she is in her current state.

"Miss Hudson?" asks the receptionist.

We both stand, and Teal answers, "Yes."

"Please, follow me."

I have the best doctor in the country, and she has been checking on Teal during the early months of the pregnancy, but when she started to bleed, we were referred to an exclusive obstetrician. I need to give Teal and our child the very best care possible.

We follow the smartly-dressed woman through a long hallway that leads to the obstetrician’s office. There is no waiting here for the obstetrician. Once we are called, we are taken straight to her.

"Good afternoon, I am Dr. Harley. Please sit down. This is your first visit here, isn’t it?"

"Yes," Teal replies.

"Okay, so I believe you are experiencing some bleeding."

"I… Well, we noticed it after we had sex. I didn’t feel anything, but when I looked down there, I saw the blood, and…." Teal pulls her handkerchief out as she starts to sob.

"It might be something, but most women experience some bleeding during their pregnancy and often after sex. Now, this was blotting and not a stream of blood, right?" asks the obstetrician.

"Yeah, it wasn’t a lot. It wasn’t like my period, but I thought I should come in."

"Definitely," the obstetrician said. "It is always better to be safe. Now, how about we take a look at you? Can you pop up on the bed for me?"

Teal nods. I stand to help her onto the bed before sitting back down again.

I take a deep breath as the obstetrician does her job. What if there is something wrong with the baby? I have been so caught up with the production, but it is meaningless compared to the life growing inside Teal. It is meaningless compared to Teal. The only thing I want in life is for the baby to be healthy and safe. I don’t care if I have to shut down the production of the entire show.

I sit patiently for two or three minutes as the obstetrician checks out Teal. The mother of my child finally gets to put her pants back on, and she comes back and joins me.

"Give me just a moment," the doctor says.

Teal nods and then grabs my hand as Dr. Harley leaves the room.

"That’s a bad sign, isn’t it?" asked Teal.

"It does not mean anything. If there were something wrong, she would have said something immediately, right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"And if there is anything wrong with our child, we are going to get the best care possible, and if we have to live a different life to the one we imagined, we will deal with that and adapt, all right?"

"I just…." Teal breaks down and starts to sob.

I pull her in tight and hold her. Nothing I can say or do right now can make all of this right again—only Dr. Harley has that power. I hold her as the minutes tick past. Teal springs from my grasp as the door opens and the doctor returns.

We both wait with bated breath to hear the results.

Dr. Harley sits down before she gives us the news. "The cervix is much more sensitive during pregnancy so it can bleed, especially after sex. I want you to monitor the situation, and if there is any bleeding after three days, come back and see me."

"All right, so—?" asks Teal.

"Everything is fine, Miss Hudson. You did the right thing coming here, and I know bleeding can cause a lot of stress, but I don’t see it as anything for you to worry about. No sexual intercourse for the next week, but you can live your life as normal after that. How does that sound?"

"That is a weight off," Teal says. "Thank you, doctor."

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