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"Charlie Morton is here to see you."

"Send her through," I say.

I break apart from Teal. "What the hell is she doing here? We are not supposed to meet until next month."

Teal moves to the chair on the side of the room, and I sit behind the desk. Charlie enters a moment later.

"Well, if it isn’t my favorite team. Publishing and streaming all in one room. Oh, and it is true! The team is getting bigger. Do you mind if I…?"

Teal smiles and stands up to let Charlie touch her belly.

"I always knew it," Charlie claims. "I knew the two of you were destined to be together. One night in that room was all that was needed for you to finally see it."

"Well, we are not exactly together," Teal says uncomfortably.

"What can we do for you today, Miss Morton?" I ask, quickly changing the subject.

"The TV show." She makes her way back to the desk and sits down. "I have been talking to some people in my research division, and I would like to change the character of Brolyn to a woman."

"A woman?" I ask. "I don't understand. You want to change the main character from a man to a woman?"


"Alright. May I ask why?"

"I do not fully understand it myself, but I have been told that TV shows do much better when there is diversity in them."

"Are fourteen different alien races not diverse enough?" I ask.

"Listen, the main character is the one the audience will sympathize with and root for. He’s the one everyone will be focussed on from the beginning, and his big kiss kickstarts the thousand-year struggle. But what if he were a she? Two women kissing in the first episode of the show? That would get people talking, and any press is good press, right?"


"Charlie, I get what you are saying," interrupts Teal, "and your team is doing a great job thinking about what is best for you. But, look at it this way. You want to have diversity because there are people out there who do not see themselves mirrored on the big and small screen. They want to connect with someone. But there is nothing worse than being forced into a connection. When the TV show airs, not only will people know that the character is supposed to be a man, but they will guess it was rewritten to have a lesbian kiss in the first episode. It doesn’t change anything about the plot other than the kiss. The main character does not trust anyone ever again after that kiss, so what will that achieve?"

"Well, I have to take into account the notes from my team," Charlie says.

"You do, and I am glad you brought this up to us because your book is like no other. Also, this is being turned into a TV show, not a movie. Now, think about the characters of your book. You have diversity without it being forced down people’s throats. If you feel marginalized by society, being represented as the main character in a conflict is not going to seem right. What about Leopoldous? They are ambiguous enough to generate a lot of speculation. Anabella is also pretty much a punk rock goddess in outer space. You literally have a dozen characters that people will connect with, and if you want to explore that on a bigger scale after the show is made, you can follow their stories without it feeling forced."

"Hmm," ponders Charlie. "I never liked the idea of turning my book into a trilogy and all the rubbish that the other publishing companies spouted, but when you put it like that, it does make more sense. I have been writing some shorts with some of the background characters, and maybe there is something there. Another series after this one, I mean."

I smile and take a deep breath. "How about we get this under our belts first before we think about making another show? If this one fails—"

Teal stands up quickly. "This is going to be thegreatestshow ever made. It might only be one series, but it will be bigger and better thanGame of Thrones!"

"I can see what you see in her," Charlie says, smiling at me.

I do not have the energy to rebuke her comment. When she turns back to Teal, I catch Teal’s eyes and mouth a silent “thank you.” If it were not for Teal, this whole thing would not be possible. I am thankful in so many ways to have her in my life.

"We are making something special here," Teal says.

For a moment, I do not know if she is talking about the show, the baby, or… us.

My intercom buzzes again before I can think about it more.

"Detective Heard is here to see you, Mr. McDonagh."

"Detective Heard? Send him in."

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