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"You are welcome," I reply.

I walk off before the moment is tarnished in any way. I like seeing another side to Logan.


"Wow! You look amazing," I say.

I don’t believe I have ever seen Teal looking like this. I do not know where she got the dress from, but it is doing everything right. Her curves are on full display, and she is showing just enough cleavage to make any man drool. I bring my hand up to my lip to check thatIam not drooling.

"I could say the same about you," replies Teal. "I mean, you always look amazing, but that's beside the point."

"Now, I feel that I have to say that you always look amazing too or I'm going to look like an ass."

"I mean, you can say that if you want. That is up to you." She smiles.

"You always look amazing," I concede.

"That is a bare-faced lie, but I appreciate the sentiment. So, you decided to dress to the nines too?"

"If we are going to salvage this deal, then we have to make an impression."

"Ihave to make an impression," Teal states. "She responds far better to me than to you. Just let me do the talking, and you stand in the background looking rich."

"I feel like I am at a school dance. All the boys standing on one side, plucking up the courage to ask a girl to dance. The fear of rejection is very real. Except, there's only one girl here, Charlie Morton, and everyone else is a horny teenager trying to win her affection. Almost all of us are going to be disappointed. Whose idea was this anyway? Charlie's or her advisors?"

"It was Charlie's," Teal sighs. “She thought it would be fun to bring everyone together who has helped her through her career and everyone who might help her and celebrate… something… I don't know. She said it wasn't to see who was serious about the rights, but everyone who's anyone is here tonight. I want to tell her to tone stuff like this down, but I don't want to ruin our chances either."

"Ourchances? So, does that mean you are accepting my offer?"

"It means I am working with you to secure the rights. I don't know what else that means yet."

"Is this her house? Because if it is, she does not need any money. It must be worth a couple of million at least."

"No, it's a friend's house and also the filming location forLucky In Love, the straight-to-TV movie that aired on the Lovestruck channel."

"I still do not get it. I hate her contrived romance books, but her recent epic is a work of genius. Are we sure she wrote it?"

"Yes. That is the one certainty in all of this."

"So, what is our plan of attack?"

"For now, we see what she wants and respond accordingly."

Teal gestures to the right, and I see Charlie approaching us. She is dressed like a theater star from the twenties with a long flowing gown and feather boa. She kind of pulls it off. Weirdly, it matches her personality.

"Let me talk to her first," says Teal.

She cuts Charlie off before she can get to me, and they converse. Teal looks back at me with a hesitant look, and Charlie follows that up with a grin. They are not talking about business… They are talking about me.

I decide to approach. "Anything I can help with?"

"I want to show you something," says Charlie.

Before I can ask what that is, she marches off. I have no option but to follow her.

Teal walks by my side, and we follow a few steps behind Charlie. She leads us out of the large hall and down some steps. I notice the jealous glances that follow us as we walk with the star of the show.

"I want you to know that there are some things more important in this world than the rights to a book. You need to see what is right in front of you."

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