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“I dare you to ask me like a civil person and not a man ready to get burned.”

“Silver, let him go—”

“Klaus, please don’t—”

“One,” Silver began, voice dripping with ice. “Two—”

“Let him go. Before he burns you.”

The seventh voice was filled with authority, and her command was enough to straighten the women’s backs and put Silver in a state of shock. She was no longer in her red cloak and her slightly wet dress had splotches of color, signaling that Klaus was right about the potion-making. Even though she was alive and breathing, the warlock still didn’t relent.

“I will obliterate him before he burns me. I will—”

Sapphire strode toward Silver, and to everyone’s amazement, threw her hands around him in a tight, warm hug. Silver startled and caught her—effectively cutting off his magic, allowing Klaus to breathe properly again. Klaus stepped back immediately, impenetrable hide slipping into place and wings spreading.

“You will do no such thing,” Sapphire finished, easing back from the hug. “Not to my husband and mate.”

Again, the state of shock ran through the group like a crashing wave, sending them reeling. Silver gaped at her.

“Mate?” He scoffed. “He’s your kidnapper.”

“That was the plan. Things change.”

Emerald made a pleased sound while Ruby approached her. Pearl eyed Klaus sharply but saved her judgment behind her cool mask. When Ruby was close, Sapphire opened her arms and accepted the next hug. Then Emerald was there, and eventually Pearl. The four sisters crowded against each other and just basked in the group embrace. Klaus watched them, noting Sapphire’s relief and joy before he glimpsed Silver breaking away from Rosa again.

“I’m getting you out of here,” the warlock announced.

Just like that, it triggered Klaus’s possessiveness and his beast let out a threatening growl. “No, you’re not.”

“Silver, stop,” Sapphire piped in, frowning. When Silver kept advancing, she pushed off her sisters and stepped in between them again, covering the warlock’s glowing fist with her hand. Silver jumped back but couldn’t pull back his energy in time. Sapphire bit her lip and winced, triggering Klaus all over again.

Fury spat out and had him growling once more, this time not holding it back. It shook the forest and had Maddox stilling, then Rosa shifting partially into her wolf form. But Klaus only had eyes for the warlock.

“Stop that,” he warned. “You hurt her and you’re dead.”

“I’ll have you dead first—”

A frustrated sound erupted from Sapphire’s throat.

“Silver, if you don’t stop this instant, I am going to lob this potion at you and make that face of yours explode. It’s a particularly powerful potion and your magic won’t fix your face back. I’m sorry about that, Rosa.”

Rosa looked torn between laughter and horror. She shrugged. “He’s being a stubborn ass, so I understand.”

“I’m not being a stubborn—”

“Yes, you are,” the three Sutton women cut in, including Rosa. Silver’s eyes widened, then cleared, eventually realizing that no one was on his side. He turned to Sapphire, glanced at her pinkening palm, and felt remorse. Then he met her gaze.

“Yes, I’m fine,” she said, assuring his unspoken question. “Yes, I came here out of my will at first, but we were joined by my choice and mated by my choice—or insistence, if we’re being honest here.”

“I was more than willing, Saph,” Klaus reminded, unable to resist egging on the warlock. Silver orbs glared at him, then refocused on her.


“Yes. I’m not held here against my will and I’m certainly not happy that you’re using your magic. Can you kindly put it away?”

Silence. After a while, Silver reluctantly tucked his hands in his pockets and let the glow fade away. Sapphire nodded in approval.

“Okay, good. Now, let me ask the question that needs to be asked. Why are you here? All of you?”
