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It wasn’t the greeting that rendered him dumbstruck but the way her face lit up at the sight of him. Blue eyes scanned him from head to toe, then gleamed with approval. It made his chest puff out a little.

“Saph,” he returned.

Surprise flickered before her cheeks turned pink. Miko excused himself, but the man might as well have been saying gibberish for all Klaus cared. Still, he nodded in acknowledgment.

“Are you feeling better now?” she asked once they were alone.

He spread his wings, then let them fold and shrink until they were gone. “Your potion worked.”

“All thanks to your magical pond.”

“Hmm. What’s this I hear about magical defense?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. I was practicing some fighting positions like Em and I used to do, and Miko happened to see me. He said my form wasn’t up to par and thought I could use some help.”

“Show me,” he demanded.

She did, getting into position without hesitation. He observed her from afar, then circled her as he neared. He hummed a bit, then bit back a smirk when she gave him an impatient look.


“I wouldn’t say your form is terrible. Is it for defense against spells?”

“Magic, yes. One hand’s to block a magical attack and the other’s to hurl one. Sometimes, I have to do it at the same time.”

“Okay. Can you show me how you hurl your attacks?”

Again, she did as he asked, her hand glowing and fisting. Curiosity sparked when she dipped her other hand in her pocket, a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it movement that he paid focus to. When she threw out her readied fist, the punch reverberated in the air and shook the trees ahead.

“I see it now.”

“See what?”

“It’s a powerful punch and your initial position is good. But you shift slightly to put weight into your punch and it alters your solid defense position. Here, let me…”

He clasped her non-glowing hand and slipped down to adjust her elbow, returning it to its original stance. Then he lifted it further until it was in line with her shoulder.

“Keep it aligned no matter what. Your shoulder will serve as an extension to your defense wall and will naturally brace for it when you make that punch. Try it again.”

When she did, her elbow stayed in place and her punch was even more solid. Blue eyes bugged out in disbelief, then flew toward him.

“That’s crazy. I never thought of my shoulder as a source of strength when my body’s there.”

“Every part of the body is a source of strength. It just depends on which part the person is used to using. Shifters are most in tune with it, so I thought I could show you the trick.”

Her expression warmed, in turn warming him up. “Thanks. Any other neat tricks?”

“How about practicing your magic without the use of potions? It will quicken your punch and not give the enemy time when you dip your hand in your pocket like that. I know it’s a short pause, but every second counts.”

Her smile faltered, puzzling him.

“Potions help enhance the magic,” she explained. He noted the hint of defense in her tone but didn’t point it out, especially when her shoulders tightened. Instead, he pointed out the shoulders.


