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“I can take you home if you will permit me. A companion to your travel while I check the neighboring lands at the same time. I’m sure you’re very capable but having a companion does beat being alone against chance encounters.”

“Encounters against dragons?”

“Against anything. Monsters and magical beings. Not that I’m discrediting your magic and how cool it is. Are you leaving after your sister mates with my master?”

“I don’t…yes. I think so.”

“Cool. You’re cool. It would be fun to keep you company.”

There was something endearing about a man who wasn’t afraid to show his admiration and be sincere about it. She examined him, then decided to test something out.

“Oh? Does company involve sleeping in the same tent for a few nights?”

Miko blinked. Then his eyes widened as if the idea hadn’t occurred to him. But the reddening of his cheeks was a dead giveaway and she realized he wasn’t opposed to the idea at all.


“A joke,” she blurted out, then kept her tone light. “I was kidding.”

“Oh.” He considered her. “Sleeping in the same tent doesn’t sound so bad.”

“Unless you snore.”

“Are we sure you’re not the snorer?” he shot back.

She chuckled and looked away, seriously considering saying yes. It wouldn’t be so bad to be kept company on her travel, though it probably wouldn’t involve too many nights as all she needed was a safe, uninhabited space to open a portal close to Broom’s Isle. All musings died when she found molten black eyes on her, brimming with…something. The gaze arrested, her heart picking up speed and her hands turning clammy when the tingles awakened with a force.


She forced her gaze away, an act harder than when she had looked away from Miko. Desperately, she tried to focus on the conversation at hand and not the tingles fluttering all over her heated skin.

“I don’t snore. I’m the quietest sleeper there is.”

“That’s perfect, then. I like quiet sleepers.”

“Everyone does,” she teased. “Miko—”

“Excuse me. I need to talk to her.”

The voice had her stilling. She didn’t even have to look beside her to know he was there as his body heat was enough indication. She felt it pull her like a magnet, which her body resisted as she tried not to lean toward him. Miko’s eyes widened at Klaus’ abrupt appearance.

“Your grace. Of course.”

Stubbornly, she shook her head. “We can talk later—”

“Ritual break. Let’s talk now. It’s important.”

Her mouth dropped open as she whirled on him, but the protest died when he gave her a look that dared her to reject him. The utter righteousness of it set her back rigid before the challenge was sparked and she was stalking after him. A glance at Emerald showed her sister enthusiastically speaking with Belly.Good.She had time to rain hell on the guy, then.

Sapphire glared at his back as he led her to the halls, then inside another doorway. She only had enough time to glimpse the library boasting a massive display of books before the door was clicked shut.

“You were flirting with Miko.”

She gaped at him.

“Thisis important?”
