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“What is this?”

“A welcome back into the fun world,” the brunette declared. “Don’t be a spoilsport now.”

Challenged, Ruby took the glass and chugged, finishing it amid her sister’s cheering and even licking the last drop from the glass. She slapped the glass down on the table after, feeling silly and accomplished.

“Good enough?” she asked dryly.

“More than good. But you need another glass.”

Pearl hailed a waiter amid her protest, so Ruby settled for munching on their ordered snacks and Pearl’s takeout. There was great energy in the place tonight, pulsing from different bodies and creating a restless buzz. At first, she didn’t mind, glad that she could no longer feel the frustration of losing hers and getting jealous over theirs. Then her magic pulsed, too, responding to the ones surrounding it and spreading inside her like wildfire.

When negative energy pushed, she looked around to find the source and landed on a middle-aged man who openly scowled at them. She quickly turned away, refusing to engage, but her magic pushed back with a force that shocked her senses. She gritted her teeth and withdrew it in turn, not wanting to give the man ammunition. Unaware, Pearl handed her another glass.

“So, about that little office tryst…”

“It’s really nothing.” She grabbed the glass and drank again to avoid answering, ignoring her sister’s raised brows. Ruby waited until Pearl gave up and started chatting to a guy at the table beside theirs. She sipped the rest more delicately, reminding herself they were here for a good time, not to pick fights with people who wouldn’t understand.

While glancing around, a sight caught her attention, and she couldn’t look away. There he was, the most handsome man in the room—at least, to her eyes. Maddox was chuckling over something Rex said, surprising her over the comfortability of their body language and the lack of tension on either side. She wondered when they had become good friends and smiled when Maddox took the offered drink with a grin.

As if sensing her gaze, his head turned. He paused mid-sip, too, eyes meeting hers and holding as they both lowered their glasses. The distance between them and the lack of words didn’t stop the charge from humming, her toes curling and her skin tingling in effect. The way his features turned hooded told her she wasn’t the only one, and that alone was enough to turn her breathing rapid.

“Holy shit. No wonder you didn’t want me to seduce him.”

The eye contact broke as she turned to Pearl in alarm. Pearl gawked, remembered where they were, and sat down abruptly.

“It’s not like that.”

White-gray eyes seared her with a smug look while Pearl switched to a whisper. “I didn’t even mention a name, so itislike that.”


“Listen, I don’t blame you. I already said he is hot and I have good taste. I also know women are drawn to broody types, and Maddox is no exception. Sleeping with him would have been no big deal for me, considering we are not that close and could keep it under the radar. But the fact that you two are really good friends and doing this…”

“We are friends,” Ruby confirmed. “We will remain friends.”

“With benefits?”

She tried to come up with an excuse but realized there was no lying to her sister about this one. Ruby sighed.

“It’s not that simple.”

Pearl was silent, the teasing gone as she studied Ruby. The brunette placed a hand on Ruby’s knee and squeezed lightly.

“Hey. Look at me.”

Ruby did and was met with a solemn—worried—expression. “What?”

“Benefits might have been the wrong word.”

“It should be the only word. It’s not going to work long-term.”

“Why not?”

“Us. Me. What do you think will happen if people find out how linked he is to me, the resident deserter and sister to a—”

“Normally, I’m a realist. But I advise you not to say that here. And don’t you dare blame yourself for his actions.”

“I was going to say someone accused of being a murderer, guilt not fully proven.”
