Page 67 of Wrath

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“You’re coming up?” I ask Valentina as we slide out of a bulletproof SUV, flanked by guards. While we didn’t have time for a full spa day, we had lunch at the spa and had our nails, hair, and makeup done for the party tonight.

“I’m going to get dressed upstairs and go to my parents’ house from here.”

“Is Marco coming by, or is he meeting you there?” I ask as the elevator doors open.

“Marco can’t make it tonight,” she replies breezily, as if I asked if she’s taking a purse with her.

There are a dozen questions on the tip of my tongue, but I glance at the two guards with us in the elevator and don’t say another word. But it doesn’t stop me from steaming quietly. She’s worked so hard for this moment. That bastard better be on his deathbed.

The elevator dings, and we get off, but the guards follow too closely for me to ask anything personal.

I’ve been with Valentina all afternoon, and she didn’t breathe a word about Marco not coming. She was in good spirits. Her usual self. I didn’t suspect a thing. Maybe you’re so wrapped up in your new job and in Rafael that you didn’t notice. Maybe, but I’m paying close attention now, and I don’t see a single chink in the armor.

We wait outside her apartment while one of the guards does a sweep.

“Have you decided which shoes you’re wearing?” she asks.

Shoes? Your husband isn’t showing up for one of the most important nights of your life, and you want to talk about my shoes?

“I think you should go with the gold sandals,” she adds. “They’re perfect with the dress, and they’ll be more comfortable than the silver ones.”

Now I know how Alice felt when she fell into the rabbit hole.

“I think so too. You know what,” I say, with much more cheer than I’m feeling. “We should crack open a bottle of champagne and get dressed together. Like old times.”

“That’s a fabulous idea,” she squeals, like she doesn’t have a care in the world.

Valentina isn’t a big crier, but she’s been very emotional when it comes to problems in her marriage. She’s confided in me more than once about them, but if I wasn’t going to the party tonight, I don’t think she would have said a word about Marco bailing on her.

She’s protecting him. I don’t like it.

“I’m going to get my clothes, and then I’ll be over. Five minutes,” I call over my shoulder. “Chill the bubbly.”

I didn’t invite her to Rafael’s because she won’t want to get dressed there. She talks to him as little as possible, and although it eats at him, I don’t think he still blames me. If he does, he certainly doesn’t show it.

What I can’t shake is that we spent hours together, laughing and gossiping, and making plans for the US trip, and I never noticed anything. Not a ripple. How is that possible?

* * *

It takes me longer than five minutes because Sabio had to check the apartment before I could enter, and then I had to pull together everything I need.

Sabio offers to take my tote, but I hand him my dress instead so I can text Rafael on my way to Valentina’s.

Lexie: Getting dressed for the party next door with my BFF.

Rafael: Don’t bother with panties on my account.

Lexie: I won’t be going anywhere near Antonio and Daniela’s without panties.

Rafael: Pity.

Lexie: What time should we leave?

Rafael: 5:15 at the latest.

Rafael: You’ll have more time for makeup if you ditch the panty idea.

I shake my head at the phone and knock on the door before taking my dress.
