Page 66 of Wrath

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“Good.” She smiles. “You can start as soon as Monday, in your new capacity, if that works.”

I want to make a remark about not having any fun scheduled for Monday, but I decide against it. “Works for me.”



It’s late morning when I get a photo of Rafael and Gabe grinning from inside a souped-up tent in the sporting goods store. I grin until my cheeks ache.

Gabe has rich brown eyes, and Rafael’s are bright blue, but there’s a strong resemblance between them. They could be brothers. Although their childhood experiences couldn’t be more different. Gabe has two parents who love each other madly and love him with all their hearts. That was not Rafael’s experience. He had only one parent who loved him—until she disappeared.

I glance at my new boss, contemplating whether it’s better to keep my mouth shut or ask. I almost always choose ask.

“Tamar, before I officially start on Monday—can I talk to you outside our roles?”

“You can always talk to me, even after Monday. If you’re out of bounds, I’ll tell you.”

I draw a breath, hoping she doesn’t freak out like Zé. Here goes nothing. “Are you still searching for information about Rafael’s mom?”

She peers at me, slack-jawed. “Wow. You don’t pull any punches.”

“I think this is one of those things that’s always difficult to get down, even if you sugarcoat it.”

A shadow creeps over her face, and she nods but doesn’t say anything. I probably should have kept my mouth shut, but it’s too late now. The damage has been done, so I forge ahead, albeit with a bit more grace.

“I know from my parents and my grandmother that Antonio and his team searched for a long time. I also know from Valentina that when you were hired, it was to be part of your job. I’d like to help. I doubt I can accomplish anything that you and Lucas haven’t been able to, but her disappearance impacts my relationship with Rafael, and it might impact our future. But more than anything, I want him to have some peace.”

She draws a breath through her nose and shuts her laptop.

“Lucas and his team looked for years, but by the time they got the case, it was old. When I got it, it was older still. In truth, Premier has really grown under Rafael’s leadership, and there hasn’t been a lot of time to work on it—especially in the last two years.” She sits back in her chair, eyeing me.

“But Rafael never asks about it anymore,” she continues. “I’m not paid to be an armchair psychologist, but I’m not sure he really wants to know.”

He’s torn. Or protecting himself because finding her seems like a pipe dream at this point. “Has he asked you to stop looking?”

She shakes her head.

“He might be conflicted, Tamar, but he carries the past like a cross.”

She gathers her hair into a ponytail and flips it over one shoulder. “There might be some time for you to work on things that have been put on the back burner,” she says, without specifying what those things might be, “but not until after the US launch. We can discuss it then.”

A smidgen of guilt creeps in when I remember how angry Zé was when I asked him about this very thing. I need to tell her so she’s not blindsided.

“In the spirit of full disclosure, there’s something I should tell you.”

“Go on,” she urges warily.

“When I asked Zé about the search for Vera Huntsman, he was furious. We were in the elevator, and he flipped the switch and let me have it—no holds barred. If I was intimidated by that sort of thing, I’d have wet my pants. If you allow me to work on it, he’s going to be fit to be tied. I don’t want to cause any problems between you.”

She snickers. “You know those sticky wickets I mentioned?”

I nod.

“This is not one of them. I don’t take orders from Zé.”


