Page 44 of Wrath

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No matter how much I will my head to move from side to side, it bobs up and down.

It’s all the encouragement he needs. In a heartbeat, the flimsy robe is on the floor and my back is flush against the wall, with his hand threaded through my hair, and his mouth—oh God his mouth—it’s the best kind of wicked, sending delicious zings straight to my pussy.

“You’re mine,” he says gruffly as he pulls the camisole over my head and tosses it aside like it insulted him.

I want to be his. I want him to be mine. Although I haven’t figured out how we do that without destroying one another—without destroying me.

But for tonight I’m not going to think about it. Instead, I’m going to let him take care of me, and maybe he’ll let me take care of him too. The rest can wait until the morning.



Slow down, good sense warns, but it’s drowned out by my throbbing cock and the unrelenting desire pumping in my veins.

We’re not moving from this spot. There will be no long drawn-out seduction. No flat surface to rest on. I’m not giving her an opportunity to change her mind. I’m going to fuck her, right here, against the wall.

I yank at her tiny shorts, while placing a call to send the guard away. It doesn’t matter that it’s a female guard. No one gets to hear her whimpers, but me.

“Take a break,” I bark at Giana, as I glide my fingers over Lexie’s slick cunt, flicking her swollen nub until her eyes flutter shut.

After ending the call, I toss my phone onto the discarded robe. “Look at me, Angel.” She’s flushed and her eyes are a swirl of browns and greens and unfettered lust. “I’m not going anywhere tonight besides your pussy.”

Her lips curl softly at the edges and a sultry mewl escapes. She palms my cock, rubbing a firm hand over the thickening shift. My trousers separate us, still, her touch feels like heaven—but I’m too damn aroused to let it go on for too long.

With one hand, I pin her wrists overhead and rake my free hand through her hair. “I’ve missed you, Angel.” I slide my tongue into her hungry mouth, and she arches off the plaster. Her whimpers are so sultry, I feel them in my balls.

“Rafa,” she gasps. “I need you.” The sweetest words I’ve ever heard.

“Oh, you’re going to have me. Every inch, in every hole, before the night’s over. But I want to taste you, first, pretty girl.”

I find her nipple, sucking greedily on one, and then the other, until I’m confident she feels it between her legs. My mouth skates down her belly, leaving a trail of kisses in its wake. As I lower myself to my haunches, I take her cock tease shorts with me, and help her out of them.

Lexie’s head is glued to the wall, her mouth like a tight O that I ache to shove my cock through. “Rafa,” she moans as I stroke her inner thighs, nudging them apart.

“Spread your legs for me,” I urge, hooking her slender leg over my shoulder. “Open your eyes, Angel. I want you to watch while I feast on your cunt, right here in the foyer.”

She’s wet and her arousal is all I can think about. All I smell. All I taste.

I lick her from back to front, again and again, catching her clit on my tongue. She trembles, and digs her fingertips into my scalp for support. “When I’m done, I’m going to fuck you against this wall like a pretty little whore. You’ll like that, won’t you?”

“Yes,” she moans in a breathy voice. “Yes.”

“You’re going be so needy, you’ll beg for my cock.”

I clamp my lips around her clit, and slide two fingers inside her. She squeezes them so goddamn hard my dick weeps for a turn.

When her thighs clench, I withdraw my fingers and my mouth. “No. No,” she whines as I stand. “I’m almost—”

I kiss her, letting her taste herself on my tongue and quieting her briefly. “You’ll come when I say you’re ready, Angel.”

She presses her pussy into my leg searching for some friction. I’m not even sure she’s aware of what she’s doing. “Does that pussy need a little attention, already? Would you like to grind against my thigh?”

My Angel gazes into my eyes, with the flush of arousal staining her flawless skin, and nods. “Yes.”

She’s shameless, and it’s so goddamn sexy. I slide my mouth over her throat. “Maybe later. If you’re a good girl.”

Not placated by maybes, Lexie tears at the buttons on my shirt, and I pull off my pants, because I’m craven too.
