Page 43 of Wrath

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I don’t wait for a response before grabbing my e-reader and hightailing it out of there.

Not five minutes pass before he calls, “Lexie, I’m leaving. Come bolt the door behind me.”

“I will. As soon as I finish this chapter. I’ll do it the moment I’m done.” I don’t care about the book. But after being at Daniela and Antonio’s, it feels lonely here, and I can see myself blurting out something foolish like, Do you want to watch a movie? Bad idea.

“I want to sleep tonight. Hearing the lock click behind me would help that cause.”

Fine. I throw on a robe over my pajamas and trek into the hall.

He has two dress shirts on hangers in his hand. “I know this has to be an inconvenience for you. Your things here, and you somewhere else. I appreciate it.”

“It’s not much of an inconvenience. My office is downstairs.”

“Did you get what you needed?” I ask, glancing at the pressed shirts.

He stops dead in his tracks a few feet from the door. After a long moment, he turns and takes a long stride toward me, dropping the shirts in a heap on the wood floor. For every step forward he takes, I take a step back until there’s nowhere to go. Before I can blink, I’m caged against the plaster, his hands on the wall just above my head, and his mouth hovering over mine.

“No,” he mutters with a raspy breath. “I did not get what I needed. Not even close. How long are you going to do this to me—to us—because I know you want it as bad as I do.”

“You’re arrogant,” I chide with as much oomph as a wilted flower.

He runs a thumb over my cheek, and I suck in air like I’m dying.

“Don’t answer the door dressed like this again.”

“Like what?” I croak as though I’m brain-dead.

He tugs open the robe and circles my nipple until I gasp. “Like this.”

“Giana’s on tonight,” I blurt.

“Good thing. If Sabio saw you like this, I’d have to scoop out his eyeballs. You won’t like having to adjust to a new guard.”

“You’re a Neanderthal.”

“You’re mine, Lexie. I’m willing to indulge you until you come to your senses. But no one, no one, will touch you, not even with their eyes, without paying a penalty.”

“I’m not the one who’s lost my senses. I should slap some into you.”

He lifts his chin and turns his cheek to me, pointing at a random spot on his face. “Go ahead, Angel. Turn my skin red—although I warn you, when you’re done, it’s my turn, but it’ll be a different cheek I’m reddening.”

“You’re a pig,” I murmur, arching closer to his hard body. My pussy aches for a little taste of a muscled thigh.

“And you’re going to moan and whimper,” he continues. “Do you know why?”

I shake my head.

“Because while one hand is prettying your skin, the other is going to be teasing your pussy.”

“No,” I murmur in a voice that’s so sultry, it sounds like yes. Maybe I did say yes. If I don’t find it in me to resist him in the next minute, I won’t be able to find it at all.

“Get out,” I whisper, pressing my hands to his chest.

“Is that what you want? Me to leave?”

When I don’t respond, he lowers his mouth above my ear. I feel his warm breath on my skin.

“Let me take care of you. If you don’t like how I make you feel, you can send me away then.”
