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Now, first thing’s first. I have to tear up the rink like a pro and earn my place for the state competition!

Terence will still be there when I’m done. And it’s a good idea to work off some of this nervous energy before I see him.

* * *

The nervous energy meter is at one gajillion. So much so that I kept the roller skates and am rolling my way to Terence’s place.

I dodge the kid with his dog, the garbage truck, and the group playing street hockey like a pro. Or at least I didn’t run anyone down and didn’t break anything.

I’ve got a one-track mind now, and it’s all Terence. I have to see him. I have to know.

I’m sure as soon as I’m there and he’s standing in front of me, I’ll be able to express what has been flying through me since this all began.

Wait. What if he’s not home?

It didn’t occur to me that I should tell him I’m coming. I was just there this morning, and that was hello-awkward enough. Showing up out of the blue seemed like such a better idea, unless he’s not there.

I make the final turn and see a tennis ball fly past my head.

And then Ranger, barreling at me like a locomotive.

Brace position!

I put my hands on my knees and pray for the best. Ranger barks and runs around me in circles, but I manage to stay upright long enough to pet him on the head. He continues chasing after the ball.

“Alli?” Terence jogs my way. “What are you–”

“Shhhh.” I hold up my hand and slow myself with the brake instead of the lawn this time. “I’ve got some things to say, and I’m just going to say them because if I don’t, then I never will.”

Terence raises his hands, and I clear my throat. I keep rolling, the need to keep balance distracting me from the words I’m about to say.

I jump and skate backward.

“Whoa! Did you just–”

“I said, shh!” Stay upright, turn feet so you keep moving. Everything is easier with some speed… including this confession. “Terence, I want to be friends forever. Just like we promised. I never, ever want to lose what has been a lifetime of friendship, one I’ll never have again in my life. But here’s where it gets tricky.”

I hit a bump in the asphalt, and he reaches out to catch me. I take his hands. They’re warm and strong. I roll backward, looking him in the eye as he walks forward with me.

“I don’t know what’s happened to us, but we’re both feeling it. I think. I know I am. I see you, and I no longer see the boy from behind the middle school, not even the boy who tripped me in first grade. I see a man. An incredible man. A man who doesn’t stop until he reaches his goals, who sees things through.” I have to say this next part, as much as it scares me. “A man who loves me. And Terence, I love you.”

He squeezes my hands slowing me down, but I gently pull them away.

“This is what I’m going to do now,” I tell him. “I’m going to roll away. Frontwards. As fast as I can make myself go because I’m already petrified of what I’ve said so far.” His eyes are soft and the corners of his mouth turn upwards. “I’m going to take off and pretend like none of this ever happened, just in case I’m wrong. That way we can go back to being friends, and this is water under the bridge. But, Terence.” His eyes sparkle, and I’m melting inside. “If you feel anything like I do–”


“–then you’ll have to catch me!”

I break away from him and pump at my wheels as fast as my little legs will let me. I don’t know how he’s going to stop me, but that’s his challenge. I’ve done the hard work and laid it all out there. Now to get out of here before my whole world might come crashing down around me.

“Ranger!” Terence’s voice echoes down the street, and I know what’s up his sleeve. “Target Alli, GO!”

I’m laughing my heart out when Ranger arrives seconds later, herding me like I’m a lost lamb. A moment later, Terence is there with a smile as big as the ocean. I let myself fall into his arms.

“You.” He unclips my helmet and brushes my hair out of my face. “My Alli-bear.”

Terence pulls me close and kisses me like I’ve never been kissed before, while Ranger barks his approval at our feet. His whisper warms me from head to toe.

“I love you, too.”

