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I take a big gulp of water that threatens to spit right back out, but I keep it down. The flow of the liquid down my throat soothes the tickle.

“Yes, fine. Let’s carry on.” But where was I?

I turn around to gather my thoughts. This is my chance, the chance of a lifetime. I have one of the world’s foremost dog-related investors in Miss Chardonnay.

I can’t mess this up. Starting up a rescue service is exactly what the Dog’s Paw needs. What this town needs. What I need.

Time to convince the crowd.

“Ladies and sir, we live in a location blessed by the Rockies. Thousands of visitors descend every year into Ridley Region to partake in the joys of mountain sports, many of them in the wintertime.”

I’m telling them what they already know. Ms. Pinker’s eyes narrow at me.

“What I’m about to propose is a value-add that only the Dog’s Paw is positioned to make in the entire region. It’s about dogs and humans. It’s about joy and adventure. And it’s about safety. I present to you today, the Dog’s Paw’s next expansion—the Dog’s Paw Mountain Rescue Service!”

Eyes widen across the room, and I know I’ve got them eating out of the palm of my hand. Perfect.

“Let me talk you through the details, for I have no doubt that you are going to be charmed and inspired by the time I’m finished.”

Alli – Tuesday

“MUST SEE YOU TONIGHT!” is all Terence’s text says.

I’m not about to say no.

As if I wasn’t already in a whacked-out emotional state. Ever since he said, “I’m the right guy for you,” I’ve caught myself daydreaming of what life could be.

Terence and me and Ranger going on hikes.

Terence and me and Ranger having barbeques with our families.

Terence and me and Ranger cuddling up by the fireplace.

Terence and me kissing by the fireplace. No Ranger in that one.

In the dream, he puts his arm around me, the sound of the wood crackling while the warmth of the flames washes over us. He pulls me in close, his breath on my cheek. His lips that settle on mine in a moment of absolute, utter, forever romance…


“GAH!” My heart jumps out of my chest as Kasia rolls up to me. I’m sitting on a park bench with my bike propped up and a sandwich falling apart into my lap. I was not expecting anyone, much less Kasia, to interrupt my lovey-dovey daydreaming.

But it’s just as well. How can I let these thoughts of Terence continue?

The horrid reality hits me. I’m going to have to talk to him about it.

Oh, that sounds like the worst idea ever, but I know it’s the only way.

“Did I give you a start? You must have been really focused on that sandwich!” Kasia blows a bubble with her gum, which I didn’t know that anybody did anymore, much less grown women. But I’m not judging. Okay, I’m judging a little.

“You’re right. This sandwich is amazing.” It’s tasteless. “So nice to bump into you.” It’s not really. “Where are you going now?” Please keep going there, as I’m in the middle of a complex series of thoughts about my future that involve falling for my oldest, bestest friend right now.

“Just rolling around the neighborhood during my lunch break. That’s the thing about Hampton Falls. When you’re on a set of wheels, you realize just how small this so-called city is.”

I nod my head to my bike. “I think that’s why I can do this job without breaking a sweat.”

“Don’t worry about that. We’ll be sweating plenty as we prep for the State competition! And is your hunky hero friend going to come watch?”

“Uh, I don’t know…”

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