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I put my arm around her.

"I have so much affection for all we have lived through together. I’ll never forget these memories."

"Nor will I," Simone says, sighing. "I knew this was coming. There were times I nearly said it myself but I just felt this…"

"Burden?" I finish for her.

"Yes. Like there was a promise and it was my job to keep it."

"I felt that too.”

We take a long moment together, my arm over her shoulders and hers around my waist, and we watch the sun take over the city, a yellow glow reflecting off golden roofs. This moment marks the end of an era, we both know it. It's the right thing to do, even if there is a tinge of sadness to it. Simone represents so much of my childhood, my mother.

But we were never meant to be.

The sound of footsteps on the metal floor signal that the staff of the Bouchon Noir are beginning to arrive. Simone steps away and looks me straight in the eye, tears threatening to fall but I have to hold my ground.

“Goodbye, Simone.”

“Olivier, perhaps we could just pretend for a while longer. You’re being rash. You’re not considering your father or Grandmama—”

"Goodbye, Simone."

She nods quickly and takes a deep breath before walking with her chin held high to the elevator.

There was a time I would have run after her, smoothed things over for the

sake of putting on a front for everyone else. But a different future awaits me. One that starts with a night that I must make this whole city remember.

Here comes Natalie. She crosses in front of Simone and I can see the hesitation on her face. After what Simone put her through, I'm not surprised.

Natalie watches Simone leave with her mouth hanging open. She then turns and sees me, cocks her head, and walks my way. My heart is racing. There's so many words I want to say to her, so many secrets to share, so many truths I have yet to reveal.

But it must happen at the exact right moment—and that’s not now.

"Simone has come and gone? What’s that about?"

"It was about freedom from burdens." My heart skips a beat. Does she understand?

"Well," she says, "that sounds far better than the alternative, which is that Simone was taken over by aliens."

"Aliens?” I laugh. “Perhaps, but more likely it was just the spirit of the city of love. Which is what tonight is all about."

Her midnight blue eyes are a truth serum. I could fall to my knees and tell her everything right now—but we have to get through tonight. The rest of our lives can start then…

If she feels the same.

And if she doesn’t? She never replied last night, not that I expected her to. I’d specifically told her not to. Because tonight has to happen first.

I open my arms wide, calling all the staff to join."Everyone, gather up.” They shuffle over quickly, excitement bubbling over their chatter, but they quiet when I lift my hand. “Tonight, we must make every single person feel like anything is possible in the city of love. Natalie," I turn to her. “It’s thanks to you we are on top of this tower. What are your final motivating words for the staff before we dive into preparations?”

"Oh," she clears her throat, "that's easy. Come on, everybody!” She shouts in a loud voice. “Huddle up!”

The staff step in closer, albeit with their typical hesitation.

"Here we go,” she says, “arms into the middle. We are a team and we’re going to get through this together. Arms go up on 'Noir'. Let's go! Bouchon...!"

