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“Good morning, and thank you.” A voice inside me is crying that I should hang up now, pretend there was an electromagnetic pulse, and hide until everything goes back the way it was. But I recognize that voice now; it belongs to a version of me who no longer exists.

No one said being a man is easy.

“We need to talk about the decisions I’ve made for the Bouchon Noir, and in particular about where we go after tonight’s event. I understand now that the restaurant cannot be successful without Sebastien’s leadership. It’s because of him that we are going to make it out of the red, perhaps even restore Dubois Estates to its former prominence.”

I haven’t seen my brother smile like this in years. Father opens his mouth, but I knew it was coming and will cut his protests at the quick.

“You need to hear this, Father. Times are not what they were, and no one wants to see Dubois Estates succeed more than Sebastien and I. It’s time you see that.”

Sebastien and I wait. I know exactly how he’s feeling because I feel the same.

At last, Father’s cheeks soften. “I’m listening.”

* * *

My head is light with the sensation of long-earned success. We haven’t convinced Father yet of all the changes necessary, but he’s finally seen that the status quo isn’t sustainable.


I could climb this tower and declare victory at the top of my lungs—except that I haven’t won yet.

Father was only the first obstacle.

Next I have to face my own denial. For years I’ve allowed this unspoken betrothal to dictate my future.

Not anymore.

Natalie has only shown grace and dignity since I declared myself ‘complicated’.

It's my turn to pave the way for her, give her the power to decide. The chance to start making things right should start at any moment now.


Here it is. I turn around on the observation deck to face the truth. "Hello, Simone. Thank you for coming at this early hour of the morning."

“I don’t take kindly to early morning summons.” She's intentionally put an edge into her voice, she doesn’t mean it. I see a softness in her as if she knows what’s coming next. “But I had a feeling this was inevitable.” She crosses her arms and struts toward me, but she looks more like a lost child than a woman on a mission."Are you going to say what I think you’re going to say?”

“Simone, I haven’t been fair, nor brave. That’s most of the reason we’ve reached this point."

"This point?" she asks. "What point exactly are you talking about?"

"You see it as well as I do. I don't remember the last time you and I laughed together. Remember how we used to laugh? Running up and down the rows of the vineyard, hiding from our parents…"

"Remember the time your mother caught us?"

The memory comes alive. Simone and I tucked away in the vines as mother called and called. I wanted to stand up and face the music, but Simone wouldn’t allow it. Even in those early days, I let her decide for me. Mother was finally only one row away and caught sight of us crouching. A smile erupted across Mother’s face. A smile I’ll never forget.

“I still can’t believe she hid with us.” I laugh at the thought.

“Your father was so angry.”

"He was, but I think it was mostly show. Mother and Father always had a playfulness between them. Ever since Mother died, Father has never been able to find that sparkle in the same way."

"I'm sorry." Simone leans in and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Even happy memories are tinged with sadness, aren't they?"

"But I wouldn't trade them for anything," I smile at her and take in a deep breath. "Simone, I’m not the man for you." Her lips press together, but she listens, never moving her gaze from my eyes. “I can’t be what you want me to be. I thought I could, but I need something different for myself.”

"I know," she says. "Perhaps I've known it for a long time."
