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“You don't owe me any explanations, Olivier.” I have to look away. One more glance into his eyes and I’ll be toast.

“No, I suppose I don’t owe you an explanation. But I wanted you to know.” He runs the sides of his hands down my arms.

Yep, that's me, the puddle on the floor. Pay no attention here, everyone. Carry on with dinner.

“You deserve better than that, Natalie.”

“It's okay,” I manage to say. “Go sit down. I'll bring out the food.”

His hands linger on my arms until I shiver. His lips part and I wish he would just carry me back up to my room. But instead, he just nods and walks out of the kitchen.



"You know she's stealing."

"Excuse me?" I turn to Simone. "You did not just say that."

"I did, and I mean it."

Sebastien lets out a low whistle.

Heat rises up the back of my neck. "You only dare to say that now because she's gone to take Grandmama to bed."

"Well, of course I've waited until she takes Grandmama to bed." Simone sits back in her chair, rolling her eyes. "I would never want to upset Grandmama, and it's clear that she has a growing affinity for the girl."

"Yes, because Natalie is caring, considerate, and patient. She's the only girl that Grandmama has permitted to stay in her presence for longer than a day."

"That's exactly how these girls work. They gain the trust of an elderly, vulnerable woman. Mon chéri," she says, gliding her hand along mine. A shiver runs down my spine. "I know you have a soft spot for girls in need."


Sebastien chuckles though he doesn’t say a word.

"But it's time you saw the truth." She scoots her chair closer to mine, close enough so that her shoulder and upper arm is pressed against mine."You cannot be a bleeding heart for everyone. The whole world will take advantage of you."

I can't believe I'm letting her speak to me this way. Does she not know who I am? I'm not the ten-year-old, self-conscious boy she used to know.

But in her head, that's who I'll always be. And that is only one of the many reasons why she and I would never work out as a couple. One of the many, many reasons.

It’s time she starts to see that.

"You're wrong, Simone."

Hearing those words lights a fire in her eyes. Simone can ignore criticism. She can absorb feedback with grace. But being told she's wrong? No. Simone won't take it.

But it's time she learned.

"Wrong? You're calling me wrong? Do you not realize that I am one of France's most respected researchers? You think I just say things without having some basis of knowledge?"

"I think you make assumptions."

"Assumptions? I do not make assumptions. I make hypotheses. Hypotheses which are based on sound data. And all the data says that your little American is, more likely than not, filling her pockets with bits of gold and silver jewelry which she thinks no one will miss."

"You can't just throw around accusations like that."

"Who's throwing around accusations? Have you ever seen Grandmama warm to someone the way she has to her?"
