Page 77 of Bring It On

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“Anyway, he sort of. . . well. . . asked to get back with me.”

What the fuck? “He’s engaged.”

“Apparently not anymore.”

I whistled. “Man, he’s slippery. Maybe the guy just wanted a bachelor party.”

Zoe laughed. “You’re not upset?”

I looked back down at her. Naked in my arms, Zoe was mine. Like I’d said earlier. No, I wasn’t upset. “I would be if you agreed to go back with him. Did you agree, Zoe? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?” I teased.

“No, silly. Of course not. I told him to go pound sand.”

I raised my brows.

“Well, in not so many words.”


“I’m glad you aren’t upset.”

“And I’m glad you told me.”

“I’m glad you’re still naked.” Her hand slid from my waist downward.

“And I’m glad you are too,” I said. Before her hand could reach its destination, I grabbed Zoe by the waist and hauled her on top of me. She shook out her hair, lifted her chin, and smiled, knowing what was about to happen.

“You are so fucking hot, Zoe girl. Do you know that?”

“When you say it, I do.”

She knew it either way, but I wasn’t going to call her on it. Ignoring the vision of Erik that popped into my head, the one of him sitting next to me on the plane looking very much like the rich, wine-drinking doctor that he was, I reached between us to see how ready Zoe was for me.

So beautiful. And smart. And poised. The fact that she and Erik seemed like the perfect couple? Irrelevant. Did I care that he was running around Kitchi Falls wanting her back? I shouldn’t. But the truth was. . .

I did.



The bar was hopping.

Somehow Mazzie found the most incredible musicians every weekend, making Boots and Brews the new place to be. Only open a few months now, it had established itself as a cornerstone of the community, and though there were a few too many tourists on Friday and Saturday nights thanks to its location on Main Street, it had become a favorite for locals too.

“Where did you find this guy?” I asked Mazzie. I was standing at the bar waiting for Nate to come back from the bathroom. Lucas and Charlee were dancing to a lively country western tune. Nate said he’d dance if I wanted him to, but it didn’t seem to be his thing.

“He’s new to the area,” she said. “A friend of a friend.”

“Incredible,” I said, picking up my drink from the bar.

“I’ve been meaning to tell you guys. Gian and I decided on a destination wedding, sort of to honor the place we met.”

“You mean Italy?”

“Sicily, actually.”

“Aren’t they the same?”
