Page 76 of Bring It On

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That’s all? Not drinking wine with the girls?

That too

What are you missing exactly?

Having you inside me.

This woman. Smiling, I gave Zoe exactly what she was looking for.

In that case, how about when we’re both done, we meet back at your place.


And I pin you to the bed, my legs spreading yours with my own, my fingers working you. By the time I bury myself inside you, you’ll be begging for me. Calling my name. SCREAMING my name.


Zoe girl.

Yes, Nate?

You are mine.

When we get home?

I think she misunderstood.

That too.


Yes. I am yours, Nate. All yours.

* * *

“Come here.” I pulled Zoe into my side. She curled up, head on my shoulder, and not for the first time I cursed the fact that I wasn’t still staying here permanently. My call. One I’d questioned every day since making the decision.

“That was nice,” she said, tilting her face to look up at me.

“Nice? Not the word I’d use but okay.”

It was hard to imagine I’d gone so long without actually seeing Zoe’s smile in person. It was my favorite feature of hers, although fifteen-year-old Nate might disagree. But I liked to think I’d matured at least a little bit.

“Yeah, that’s probably not the best word,” she admitted. “So anyway, I wanted to tell you something that happened today.”

I pulled back to get a better look at her, not a fan of Zoe’s tone. Something was up.

“Everything alright?”

“Yes, but. . . Erik was at the winery.”

I didn’t mean to tense up. In all honesty, I wasn’t typically a jealous guy, and the last thing I wanted was for Zoe to hesitate to tell me something. And clearly, she was nervous.

“Alright,” I said as nonchalantly as possible.

“He. . .” She grimaced. “He asked to talk to me.”

Resisting the urge to tell her to spill, and quickly, I waited.
