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“Then I guess Eli Whiss, the playboy of NYC, gets knocked down a few notches and experiences real heartbreak for the first time in his life—but honestly, I don’t think that’ll be the case.”

“So she feels the same way?” I perked up, setting my empty cup down on the table.

“Uh…” His voice trailed off. “I don’t know the answer to that, but I think you have a really good shot. Olivia has pulled away from me lately, and I think that’s because she didn’t want me to know that she had feelings for you.”

“But she told you that we slept together.”

He shifted in his chair, suddenly looking uncomfortable. “She just did. I got it out of her, but she didn’t say much else.”

This time, it was me who didn’t believe him. “Now I think you’re the one who’s lying.”

“I just don’t like talking about my sister’s sex life. Let’s just skip that. You got feelings? Go talk to her. That’s the end of the conversation.”

“Fine,” I said with a sigh, pushing back from the table. “I’ll go see her right now.”

“Good on you. Let me know how it goes.”

“Deal.” I stood to my feet, my nerves already on edge as I made my way out of the coffee shop, heading back in the direction of Olivia’s apartment. I tried to straighten my clothes up on the short walk, but I knew that it was useless. Olivia was going to just have to accept me in my messy state.

My heart was pounding as I pushed through the main doors of her apartment building, but as soon as I stepped in I froze. My eyes landed on a fiery redhead standing just outside of the elevator doors.

Fuck. What is Zena doing here this early?

Before she could see me, I ducked out of the building, waving down the first cab that I could. The last thing I wanted to do was admit my feelings—ones that I was still coming to terms with—in front of one of my employees. Yeah, sure, Zena was Olivia’s close friend…

But still, not happening.

I slid into the cab and shut the door.

This just has to happen some other time.



“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay and help you get all this stuff gathered up?” Zena gave me a smile, watching as I loaded up the box with what little I had on my desk. “I know the premiere is tonight, and you have a lot of getting ready to do.”

“I’ll be okay.” I forced a smile back at her, even though my head was all over the place. It had been days since Eli had shown up to my house drunk and proclaiming his love, and—just as I had suspected—he had been MIA when morning came.

“Are you okay?” She narrowed her eyes at me. “You know there’s nothing wrong with admitting that you feel some sort of way other than happy.”

I took a deep breath and waited for the last employee, other than us, to leave the office. “I already told you what’s been on my mind.”

“Right.” She facepalmed. “Eli’s drunken confession at your place. I don’t even know what to tell you about that.”

“I don’t think anyone does. Any time I try to talk to Owen about it, he shuts me down. I can’t tell if he’s mad at me or Eli—or if maybe he’s just really uncomfortable with the topic.”

“Who knows.” Zena shrugged. “All I know is that you don’t need to be worrying about whatever is going on in Eli Whiss’s head. We have a kickass premiere to attend tonight, and you’re gonna have a ton of fun.”

“But am I?” I muttered, picking up a handful of my multicolored pens. “Maybe I should talk to him about what happened—let him know that it’s all water under the bridge.”

Zena laughed. “You’re really stuck on this. He’s been crammed with meetings most of the week, so maybe that’s why he hasn’t said anything to you?”

“I don’t know.” I let out a sigh, my eyes drifting to the ultrasound picture peeking out from underneath one of my notebooks. “I guess in my head I was hoping that he would come around sober and tell me those things—but I know that’s just a pipe dream.”

“Can I ask you something then?”

My eyes drifted back up to Zena’s. “Sure.”
