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“I’m sorry that I keep reprimanding you for it, but he’s my best friend. He’d be a great dad, and before you cut me off, please just trust me. He’s a good guy at heart. He had a weird childhood with a billionaire dad and absent mom—not that different than us, you know.”

My mouth felt like I had eaten a tub of cotton balls. “I guess you’re right.”

“I know I am. Just consider telling him before you go, please.”

“Okay, Owen,” I said before sighing heavily. “I’ll consider it.”

“Thank you,” he said. “Now, I’m going to get the hell home before Katie freaks out any more than she already has. She’s convinced I’ll get mugged if I’m out late.”

“Well, she does have a point, but you’re a big guy. Someone would have to be pretty ballsy to go trying something with you.”

“Yeah, whatever you say. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Bye,” I laughed, hanging up the phone. As I sat my phone down on the nightstand, I started to consider what Owen had said—and the way that Eli had acted before he passed the fuck out…

Maybe I should tell him.

I flipped the covers back on my bed and climbed in, wondering if Eli would really be out there when I woke up in the morning. The last time he had been here, he had slipped out conveniently, but he hadn’t been proclaiming his love for me, either.

He was just drunk though.

I kept reminding myself of that, though I had a hard time writing it off. I wanted him to be in love with me and make some grand romantic gesture, asking me to stay here with him in New York City. We could raise the baby together and be a happy family…

Hookup to wife.

It was never going to happen. I pulled the covers over my head, my stomach feeling nauseous. It was impossible to tell if it was the pregnancy or the fact that I knew that I was in love with Eli too…

If he’s still here in the morning, I’ll tell him.

And tell him about the baby too.

With that, I closed my eyes, letting the fatigue settle over my body and whisk me off to a land where it was okay to be in love with Eli, because he loved me too.

And said it when he wasn’t just drunk.



Fuck, my head.

My eyes fluttered open, a soft fleece blanket tickling my nose. I shot upward, halfway expecting to be in some sort of strange woman’s apartment. However, as I glanced around, I realized it was much, much worse than just a one-night stand.

Holy fuck, I’m at Olivia’s.

I flung the throw blanket off to the side, digging my phone out of my pocket to see the time. It was nearly seven a.m., and I needed to get the fuck out of here before Olivia woke up.

Or I could just stay.

The thought came out of left field, but I shoved it away. Showing up drunk to Olivia’s and waking up on the couch meant one thing…I had fucking embarrassed myself. I needed to get out before I made it that much worse for myself.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I mumbled under my breath as I made sure I had my wallet, house keys, and phone. Not wanting to be a dick, I folded up the throw blanket and set it down on the back of the couch. As I did so, I noticed the stack of boxes in the corner. Even in the dim light of the morning, I could make out the moving labels.

She’s really going to be gone.

My eyes drifted to the bedroom door and my heart was going off like an alarm, trying to convince me to stay and at least apologize for the night before…

But the asshole in me with a wounded ego just wasn’t having it.
