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“You want me because you can’t have me. You never acted like this before I said that I wasn’t sleeping with you anymore. You just want what you can’t have.”

He dropped my wrist. “Is that really what you think of me? You think I’m just some asshole trying to get in your pants?”

I nearly laughed. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, that is what I think.”

“But I’m in love with you,” he said, repeating those three words that I was still struggling to comprehend coming from his mouth, drunk or not. “I ran into one of my old girlfriends the other day and even she thinks you’re the one for me.”

My brows furrowed at that admission. I had a feeling he was telling me the truth—or his version of the truth—but I wasn’t buying into any of it. “I’m not sleeping with you.”

“Then don’t. I’ll marry you, and then that’ll prove it.” His eyes were half closed as he took a deep breath. “You’ll see.”

“Yeah, maybe.” I grabbed the throw blanket from behind him, having to lean over his body to reach it. His breath hitched as my body came within inches of him, but I ignored it, letting it do nothing more than feed my ego a little.

“You’re the best,” he murmured as I laid the blanket out across him, and he shifted, letting out a yawn and laying back against one of the pillows. “I’ll make you breakfast in the morning.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, I absolutely doubt that you will. If it’s my guess, you’ll be gone before morning light.”

His brows furrowed, but he didn’t say anything before he shut his eyes. I stood there for a few moments longer, watching his breathing shift to deep steady draws of air. He snored slightly, and I smiled. However, it quickly faded.

Sober Eli wouldn’t have ever shown up at my apartment.

I forced my gaze from him then, walking around the couch to my phone sitting on the counter. I picked it up, seeing a couple of texts from Owen.

Have you heard from Eli?

He’s MIA. Trying to find him before I have to call the police.

My eyes flickered back to the very drunk man asleep on my couch. I hit the call button beside Owen’s name and slipped off to my bedroom, closing the door softly.

“Is everything okay?” I asked, feeling out Owen before I went telling the story of the evening.

“Um, no,” Owen said in a pant. “I can’t fucking find him anywhere. I told him he needed to go home, and he agreed. He said he was going to the bathroom, and sure enough, he was fucking gone when I went to look for him. I don’t want to have to call the police, but Jesus, what the hell am I supposed to do? He was so drunk.”

“You don’t have to call the police.”

There was a moment of silence. “And why is that?”

“Because he’s at my apartment.”

“He was texting you tonight, wasn’t he? I knew he was on his phone, but he never answered me when I asked who it was. It burns me up that he won’t fucking admit to what he’s done with you. We’re best friends, and I had to hear the news from you. I keep giving him a chance to tell me the truth, and he won’t.”

“Not even when he’s shit-faced?”

“Nope, not even when he’s drunk off his ass.”

“That’s interesting…” My voice trailed off as I thought about the love that had been confessed—could he have meant it? I shook my head at myself. It didn’t matter. I was leaving for Los Angeles anyway.

“I think he’s fucked-up over you,” Owen huffed, his footsteps audible over the phone. When I didn’t reply, he continued. “Do you want me to come and get him?”

“Nah, he’s out like a light. I don’t think there’s any point in waking him—even you couldn’t manage that. He was really drunk, muttering all this shit about being in love with me. I think he’s lost his mind.”

Owen audibly grimaced on the other end of the phone. “I don’t think you understand.”

“What do you mean?” My voice was careful as I peeked out of my room, just to double-check that he was still passed out.

“He’s hung up on you I think—and I think it’s completely unfair that you aren’t telling him that he’s going to be a dad. Like, come on, Olivia, you’re better than this. He’d probably be more than happy to be with you—for real. Tell him about the baby.”

I cringed, the guilt weighing me down as I thought about Eli’s drunken confession. “Okay, okay. I’ll think about it.”
