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“Perfect, thanks,” Owen said with ease before turning to me. “Okay, it’s now your time to spill—and don’t you dare think about lying to me about anything. This is enough to take in as it is.”

“I know that.” My voice was quiet as I ran my fingertips along the menu, knowing that discussing this was the ultimate appetite killer. I looked up, meeting his gaze. “You know him.”

He nodded. “I know I do.”

My eyebrows shot up—had Eli confided in my brother about us but just made it seem like he hadn’t?

God, this is going to be so weird.

“Tell me who it is, Olivia.” His voice was burning with impatience.


“Eli?” Owen’s reaction made me second-guess everything that I thought he knew. “You mean, my best friend, right?”


“Holy fuck. I knew that there was something going on.”

“Well, you said you knew it was someone you knew, so I figured that you thought it was Eli.”

He shook his head. “No, I thought like, maybe you were seeing someone I knew around the city and that’s why you were hiding it—not that you were seeing my best fucking friend.”

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’m not seeing him. We’re just…he just…it’s just been a few times of—”

“I don’t wanna know.” He held up a hand. “I know the games Eli plays with women, and it’s not fucking cool. I can’t believe he manipulated you like that.”

“Wait, what?” I shot back. “He didn’t manipulate me. It was just as much my choice as it was his. I could’ve said no.”

“And why didn’t you, Olivia? You know he’s a player, and I know you’re not the kind of girl who does the whole ‘one and done’ thing.”

“You don’t know that.”

He rolled his eyes at me. “Yes, I do. I bet you money that you have a crush on him—or real feelings at this point.”

That shut me up.

I couldn’t argue with him. I did have feelings for Eli, and even Zena knew it.

“Jesus, Olivia.” Owen let out a sigh, his head falling to his hands just as the waitress appeared, sitting down two waters.

“What can I get you to drink?” Her bright green eyes showed the promise of the city, and I would bet my money that the model-gorgeous woman was just like the bartender at Owen’s party—trying to make it in the industry.

“I’ll just stick to water, thanks.”

“Me too,” my brother added.

“Are you ready to order then?”

“I’ll just have the cheeseburger with fries,” I said, knowing that I would be boxing it up to take home with me.


“Well, aren’t you two easy?” She laughed.

“One of us is,” I heard Owen grumble under his breath.

I kicked him under the table as she walked away. “I fucking heard that.”
