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“Yeah? Innocent? I saw Jenna Monroe’s name on the shit that Harlee handed you. What the hell are you doing?”

I cringed at the sharp tone. “I’m just...I’m...I’m...” I couldn’t get the words out as my eyes met Eli’s. My heart was hammering away in my chest, and my body was reacting in an unexpected way.

Why the fuck am I turned on right now?

I pushed away the thought, trying to focus on Eli. He was still glaring at me, though I caught the hint of something else building on his face.

He feels the tension too.

My tongue ran across my bottom lip instinctually, and I noticed his eyes drop to my mouth. My chest hitched as my pussy tightened, aching to revisit what had happened last week.

“Why do you have documents from Jenna Monroe?” Eli’s voice came out calmer, though husky.

“I...” I let out a sigh. There was no point in skirting around the truth. “I’m leaving after we finish up Harlee’s project. I’m going back to Los Angeles.”

He was quiet, something shifting in his face—something I couldn’t make out. “’re leaving.”

I nodded, shifting my weight uncomfortably. “I am. I just think that it’s best.”

He looked away from me and out of the office window. “Does this have anything to do with what happened last week?”

My chest felt a little tight as he looked back at me. “Um, no, not really.” It was mostly the truth, since having a baby was the biggest reason. “But I don’t think we work that great together...”

Eli nodded, though his face didn’t read as being agreeable. “Okay then.”

“Okay,” I said quietly, reaching for the door.

“Don’t go yet.” His voice was strained, and as I looked back to him I saw the bulge stretching the front of his suit pants.

Oh fuck.

My body reacted more profoundly, my breath hitching as his eyes rolled down my figure. I had opted for my tight pencil skirt. Without thinking any further, I flipped the lock on the door.

He let out a slight groan, his hand reaching down to adjust himself. “Get the fuck over here.”

I bit my lip and did as he said, though my knees felt weak with every step I took, further soaking my underwear. Eli met me, his hands going right to the hem of my skirt. He tugged it straight up, leaving my scantily clad lower half bare, my lace thong hardly covering my pussy.

“I bet you’re already fucking dripping for me, aren’t you?” he growled as he spun me around, bending me over the desk like he had last time.

“So wet,” I panted as he smacked my ass cheek, leaving it stinging.

He stripped my underwear down my legs, the cool air in his office making me shiver. “Leave the heels on.”

I swallowed, stepping carefully out of my panties so as not to catch them on the spikey five-inch heels. As soon as they were off, I felt him grind against me, using his knee to pry my legs apart...

And then he was gone.

However, before I could even turn my head back to see, his hot breath tickled my pussy. His tongue followed, running from my ass to my clitoris, burying his face into me from behind.

“Oh fuck,” I moaned, digging my nails into the desk. My legs trembled, arousal burning through my body.

“Ride my face, Olivia,” he instructed, squeezing my ass cheeks so hard that it hurt. The pain only turned me on more as I began to grind against Eli, who was beneath me. I bounced against him, pleasuring myself on his face and tongue. Every few passes he would stop to suck on my clit, and I’d nearly lose it before grinding again.

“Tell me how good it feels,” he continued, slapping my ass again.

“It feels so good,” I panted, imagining my juices all over his face. I knew that he was covered, just based on how deep he was buried between my legs. His tongue slipped inside of me and my breath caught, my thighs tempted to squeeze his head between them. “God, it feels so good,” I repeated, just as my body threatened to peak...

But then he stopped.
