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She went silent. “I wouldn’t tell you if it was.”

I smiled in the darkness. “That’s a fun game to play.”

“I’m not playing a game. We don’t have to talk right now. Maybe it would be better if we just sit in silence for the next five fucking hours.”

“I’m hoping the pay incentive will get them here sooner,” I offered up. “And also, I’m not pissed that you’re on the team with Harlee. I’m just pissed that you undermined me to get it done.”

“I didn’t do that on purpose,” she leveled with me. “I would never do anything like that. It was just an accident, honestly.”

I was irritated by her words—but not because I thought she was lying. It was because I knew that she was being truthful. She had drawn Harlee in the same way she had drawn me in...

By just being genuine as fuck.

I pursed my lips, just as I heard something thud on the other side of the elevator, near where I assumed her to be standing. “Holy shit, are you okay?” I reached out, hoping to help her up if she had fallen...

But instead, my hand landed right on her ass.

Oh shit.

I jerked my hand back. “Jesus, I’m sorry.”

“It was just my phone falling,” she snorted at me. “Can you help me find it? And also, I think we can call it even. We’ve now both officially groped the other on accident.”

I shook my head, unable to hold back my laugh. “We’re awful.” I went down to my knees, feeling around on the floor of the elevator for her phone. “It’s so dark in here,” I mumbled.

“Just think of what your hand is probably touching.”

I wish it was touching you.

My mouth went dry as the memory of her sweet-tasting pussy filled my mind. I let the memory linger as I continued to run my hand along the floor, hoping to find the phone.

“Got it,” Olivia called out. The light of the screen was suddenly right in my face, and Olivia locked eyes with me.

I had no idea how close we had been the whole time.

“I’m so glad you found it,” I choked out, suddenly aware of the feminine scent of her perfume surrounding me. “It would’ve sucked for the abyss of the elevator to just steal it away forever.”

She raised an eyebrow at me, a smile tugging at her lips. “Uh, and you said that I was the one who made the dorky jokes?”

“I never said that I didn’t make dorky jokes too,” I countered, feeling heat flush to my cheeks as the amusement in her face grew. “Yours are just way dorkier.”

“Are they? Because I would never joke about the elevator sucking my phone into the abyss.” She giggled in a way that made my heart flutter in my chest.

“Yeah, but I wouldn’t make that kind of joke in a meeting.” I tried to be serious as we both rose to our feet. However, as we did, Olivia lost her balance and careened forward. She fell right into me, her phone thudding to the ground...again.

“I’m such a klutz,” she groaned, her hands burning a fucking hole through my shirt as she leaned against me. I wasn’t sure if she had any idea of the way that she affected me...

“You’re something,” I choked out, my dick straining against my pants.

“Are you okay?” she asked, her voice growing thick.

My hands landed on her waist with the intent to gently push her away from me—however, I felt frozen. My heart pounded in my ears as my cock throbbed with the need to feel her.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I shifted my weight, but just as I did, the elevator stuttered for a moment, the lights flickering. The jostle of the movement caused me to pull her to me, holding her tightly against me—and forgetting that my massive fucking boner was now more than evident to her.

“What was that?” she muttered as it went dark again.
