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“We shouldn’t have broken the rules.” Eli’s voice startled me. It was borderline creepy knowing that he was there but not being able to actually see him. Even though my eyes had adjusted to the dark, it was too black to even make out the shape of him.

“Thanks for letting me know,” I said with a sigh.

“I don’t know what came over me the night of the party. I had a few drinks, and I know that didn’t help, but I wasn’t drunk.” His words surprised me. It was like he was thinking out loud to himself. “You’re just...I don’t know. You’re fucking frustrating and dorky—but so sexy.”

My pussy tightened at the way he said sexy in relation to me. I shifted, thankful he couldn’t see me squirm in the dark. Just then, his phone went off, the sound of his ringtone filling the elevator.

“This is Eli,” he answered, his voice coming out flat. I waited, hearing the muffled sound of a deep male voice on the other end. “What?” he said in response. “What do you mean it’s going to be five hours before a crew can get here? I have plans tonight.”

“Of course you do,” I grumbled under my breath, thinking of the women plastered all over his social media. He might be all business in the office, but I knew from Owen that Eli was a playboy in the clubs and bars.

I just had yet to see that side of him—besides online.

“I don’t understand why you can’t get someone here sooner. I’ll pay extra. I don’t want to be fucking stuck in an elevator for the entire evening. You’re talking about not getting us out of here until after ten.”

I couldn’t help but snicker to myself at just how miserable he sounded by that thought. It was apparently pure torture to think of being stuck with me.

And it kind of felt like revenge.



I hung up the phone with the building manager before tossing the fucking device to the floor. I had never been the one stuck on the elevator, but I’d had plenty of employees and associates who had been. It was ridiculous that they hadn’t fixed the damn thing for good. And with Olivia?

Come on.

This was just fucking torture.

“So what are your plans that you’re devastated to miss out on?” her voice asked in the darkness. Something about the tone stood out, and even in the pitch-black, my dick twitched to life.

I just fucking wanted her.

“You don’t have to tell me,” Olivia followed up when I stayed quiet. “I’m just trying to find some way to pass the time.”

I can think of a few ways.

I shook the thought away, clearing my throat. I was pissed at Olivia for stepping all over my toes and inserting herself into my biggest project, and yet here was I was, wanting to fuck her.

So, so bad.

“My plans were just to go out with a few of my friends.” My voice came out strained and stiff for reasons I didn’t know.

“Ah, so you can add to your montage of women?” Her tone was curt and actually a little shocking.

“Excuse me? Since when do I have a montage of women?”

“Uh, like the whole world doesn’t think you’re a playboy,” she snorted. “Two seconds of scrolling through your account and there’s like ten or fifteen different women hanging all over you. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.”

“Wow, okay,” I snapped back at her. “Good to know that you’re stalking my social media—that I haven’t even posted on in months.” I wasn’t sure if that was the truth or not, but I seriously hadn’t paid any attention to it since my production company had really started to take off. “You’re making these assumptions based on what the media says about me, not who I actually am.”

“You haven’t given me anything good to go off of,” she retorted.

“I think that orgasm I gave you is something good to go off of.”

She gasped. “That’s not even fair.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her reaction. “You know it was good, though. I’ve never once done that at an office party, so while you can think of me as a man whore, that was a first for me. Was it for you?”
