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Chapter Five

Even as a kid, I was hot-tempered. I wasn’t sure why, but I had a simmering anger inside of me, and at any given moment, I’d plummet off the end of that cliff and lose my shit. There was always something at the edge of my subconscious, lurking in the corner and taunting me. As I grew older and participated in sports, I could contain my temper and redirect my energy. It probably saved me from a destructive path. But no matter what, I hadn’t ever been able to shake the shadows from my mind—until River.

As soon as I left the penthouse, Zayne fell into step behind me. We rode the elevator without speaking, then strolled through the busy club as though we were on a mission. I was. Zayne just didn’t know it yet.

Once we entered the parking garage, I approached a sweet, dark green Mercedes EQS. It was sporty and luxurious and brand spanking new. The only miles were from the drive from the dealership to its parking space at 4 Play. It was River’s, and I hadn’t even had a chance to give it to her yet.

Ensuring I had the key fob in my pocket, I waved my hand in front of the car door handle, and the locks popped open. Zayne slid into the passenger’s seat next to me.

“Sweet ride,” he said, running his fingertips over the light gray leather seat. River would fall in love with the new dashboard, with its multiple screens and controls that spanned the length of the interior.

I pushed the start button, and the vehicle purred to life. The engine was so quiet I had to strain to hear it. “It’s River’s. She hasn’t seen it yet.”

Shifting into reverse, I eased out of the parking space next to my BMW i8. The Mercedes handled like a fucking dream. Once I’d realized how excited River was to drive my car, I wanted her to have her own. She deserved it. She’d earned it, but more than that, I bought it because I love her.

My chest tightened, and I struggled to breathe against the pressure. We had to find River soon. I understood how critical the first forty-eight hours were, and it had been six already. When I needed time to slow down, it gave me the middle finger and sped by.

A soft buzzing in my head started as I pulled out onto Division Street. Zayne remained quiet, but I realized he was observing me, looking for any telltale signs of what I was up to. My pulse kicked up a notch as I drove toward my mom’s house. Tim had returned to Spokane, and I had a sneaking suspicion that he would visit her and see if she was still in town. Regardless, I was on a mission to find the piece of shit and beat him black and blue until he told me where River was. Even if he hadn’t taken her, I suspected Logan had, and somehow Tim was involved.

Twenty minutes later, I slowed and eyed the home I’d grown up in. Oddly, the lights were on, and although the curtains were closed, I could see a silhouette moving in the living room. My eyes narrowed. Mom wasn’t supposed to be there. She either canceled her flight, or someone was in her place uninvited.

“Why are we here?” Zayne finally asked.

I responded with silence.

The garage door opened, and Tim’s car eased out. I sucked in a breath. What the hell was he doing here? If Mom was there, was she okay?

I was torn. Did I call to see if Mom’s trip had been delayed and she was at the house, or find out what that piece of shit was up to? I faced Zayne. “Can you check on mom? I’ll be back in a bit.”

Zayne full-on frowned. “I’m not leaving you, so wherever you go, I go.”

“Goddammit.” I made a snap decision to follow Tim. He wouldn’t recognize the car, and since I’d parked up the street, he didn’t have a good view of us.

If I were honest with myself, he was the only lead I had on River. I had to talk to him.

Tim swung onto our road, then his taillights blinked in the darkness as he slowed at the stop sign. Although he hadn’t signaled, he turned left. He was most likely heading back to Division Street. I had to pace myself perfectly. I couldn’t spook or lose him.

“Let me guess. You want answers from Tim?” Zayne asked.


“Then let me help.”

I squinted at Zayne in disbelief. “Aren’t you supposed to keep me out of trouble?”

Zayne smirked. “Depends on the circumstances. I know Pierce and Sutton are digging into who this man really is, but if we get information first ...” Zayne gave me a half-shrug. “We call it streamlining the process.” Zayne arched a brow, and a dark chuckle rumbled through him.

If the situation hadn’t been so intense, I would have laughed.

A heavy blanket of silence fell over us. I gripped the steering wheel so tightly my fingers turned white. I hoped like hell I wouldn’t strangle Tim before I got the information I needed from him.

Hang on, River. I’m coming for you.

I continued to follow my sorry excuse of a father until he rolled up and parked near an abandoned building in downtown Spokane. He climbed out of his car, and I released my seatbelt.

Zayne’s hand landed on my shoulder. “Wait.”

“What? Why? This might be my only chance to grab him.”

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