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“Okay. We’re working on things from this end as well. Can you call me directly with any information? I’ll have to give River’s phone to the police.”

“Of course. Let me grab a pen and paper to write on.”

Brynn rifled through her purse and handed me what I needed. Shirley and I exchanged cell numbers, along with the ones for the diner and her landline at her and Ed’s place.

“I’ll be in touch.” I stared at my shoes, my mind scrambling for any clue of who took River.

“I’ll let you know as soon as I learn anything,” Shirley promised.

“Keep your doors locked, Shirley. Make sure you’ve got a weapon on you, too. These men are dangerous, and if they learn that you’re sniffing around their business it could land you in hot water.”

“Don’t you worry. I carry. Got one in my purse and another in my car. Not to mention a few around my home. I have a nifty leg holster, too. I’m covered.”

I couldn’t help it. I liked her. “Excellent. I’ll talk to you soon.”

I ended the call and blew out a breath. Right now, I wanted to believe the best in Shirley, but the longer that River was gone, the more I questioned my instincts. “Was it only me or do you all believe that Shirley and Ed didn’t have anything to do with the tracker?”

“I believe her,” Brynn said, then glanced at Jace and Chance.

“She’s either an amazing liar, or she really cares about River and wouldn’t hurt her.” Jace laced his fingers behind his head, his gaze narrowing in thought. “I could be wrong, but I believe her as well.”

“Me too, but you need to tell Pierce and Sutton everything. They probably have connections and can find out who Shirley and Ed are, and if they’re hiding the truth.” Chance folded his arms across his muscular chest.

“Agreed,” Brynn added.

I opened the record of calls and texts, but other than Shirley, there were only calls or messages from Addison, Brynn, myself, or our group chat. I’d lucked out with Shirley’s timing. At least I was pretty sure whose side she and Ed were on.

Looking one last time, I conceded. There were no hints of who could have taken her. No threats, no … nothing. “I’ll call Pierce now and tell him everything I learned.” I hoped like hell it was enough to find my girlfriend.

After talking to Pierce and Sutton, I made an excuse that I was exhausted. I was, but I realized I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I just needed to be alone.

I watched as Brynn, Jace, and Chance left the penthouse and entered the elevator. Zayne remained posted by the entrance.

“Can you give this to Sutton so she can see if there are any clues I couldn’t find?” I handed Zayne River’s phone in the baggie.

He tucked it into his pocket. “Vaughn will be here later to give me a break, so I’ll take off for a while and give it to Sutton.”

“Thanks, man.” Waving goodnight, I returned to my apartment and sagged against the now locked door. I’d been holding my shit together all day. I’d put on a brave face and thought of every detail over and over.

If River returned tonight, she’d use the retina scanner and be able to enter.

My Adidas tennis shoes slapped against the white marble floor as I made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed another beer and set it on the countertop. River had been so excited about this space. She’d even promised to make her lasagna for me the first weekend we were here.

Anger swelled within me and roared to life—anger at myself and at River for ditching Zayne. I was furious that the stairwell door had been locked, trapping Zayne on the penthouse floor. I muffled a cry, my chest burning from burying the pain. Before I realized it, I swooped the beer off the counter, sending it crashing to the floor. Glass and amber liquid sprayed in every direction as I stared at it stupidly.

“Goddammit, River,” I whispered to an empty house. “Where are you?”

My body quaked, and nausea bubbled in my stomach. Exhaustion and grief brought me to my knees. I placed my palms against the floor, allowing the cold marble to soothe them. I couldn’t lose River. She had to be all right. Quiet sobs tore from me, and my shoulders shook uncontrollably. How could this have happened? We knew that Tim and Logan were dangerous.

I threw my head back and screamed. I screamed at the universe. I screamed at the injustice of losing Hannah and now River. And I screamed at the pain roaring to life inside me. Hannah nearly pulled me under, but if I lost River, it would devastate me. I would cease to exist without her.

Leaning against the kitchen island, I allowed myself to break. All of the dark thoughts and fears I’d kept in check all day came rushing out with so much velocity, my gut rebelled. I jumped off the floor and hurled in our brand-new sink. Cold sweat dotted my upper lip, and I wiped it off, then sucked in a sharp breath and swallowed repeatedly.

I turned on the cool water, washed my face, then rinsed my mouth, and the sink. The brain fog began to clear as I gathered myself together and cleaned up my mess.

Once I’d swept and mopped, I hurried to the bedroom and flung open the closet door. I quickly selected black jeans and a dark shirt to change into. It had been six hours since River had disappeared. Anxiety sparked through me. It was time to take matters into my own hands.

I grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys before I headed out. Hopefully, Pierce and Sutton were true to their word, and what I did or said remained confidential, because I was about to put Zayne to the test.

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