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This moment marked a new chapter for us—a new beginning. River finally had her fresh start. I briefly closed my eyes and imprinted this memory on my brain for eternity, promising myself that I’d never take her for granted.

Chapter One

I clutched the little black velvet box in my hand, nerves tingling up my arm as my heart hammered against my chest. Maybe spending so much time together had bonded us faster, but I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I wanted to ask River to marry me. It was rushing things with River, but I’d had more sex than most men would in their lifetime, drank more booze, used more drugs, owned a successful club, and shared secrets that I’d take to my grave. I’d lived a full life already at the age of twenty-two. River’s presence made me a better man, and I wanted to wake up next to her for the rest of my days.

With a smile on my face and love bubbling inside of me, I sat on the edge of our brand-new bed. The sheets, blankets, and light blue and white comforter were still in bags, resting on top of our dresser. Our dresser. It was funny how furniture could make me feel so connected to River.

I gazed out of the bedroom windows, overlooking the city of Spokane. River had fallen in love with the gorgeous view of the rushing water of the river. Maybe we could get married on a boat, or at least honeymoon on one. The mental image of River in a skimpy bikini made my dick instantly hard. I couldn’t wait to fuck her on every surface of our new home.

A pop of lightning split the sky as stormy, blue-grey clouds rolled in and plump raindrops splattered against the glass. I was grateful the weather had held off until we’d moved the furniture.

Flipping the lid of the box open, I stared at the two-carat diamond surrounded by emeralds on the engagement ring. It was one of a kind. I’d had it designed with Brynn’s help. While River and Brynn shopped, Brynn would peruse the jewelry stores, collecting information for me on River’s tastes. And tonight, surrounded by our friends, I planned on dropping to one knee and popping the question. I sighed with contentment. Even though I wanted River to have the wedding of her dreams, I wasn’t opposed to marrying her tomorrow. The moment I’d found her sleeping in my recycling bin, I realized there was something different about her. Something fierce and beautiful. My life had drastically changed over the last five months. She’d taught me to live again, to love again. My heart had opened up, and instead of running from it, I ran to her.

I gently closed the box as my mind reeled. Pierce had informed me that my father, Tim, was back in Spokane, and shivers of disgust tiptoed up and down my spine. Once I’d learned more about who he really was, I referred to him as Tim. In my mind, he was no longer my dad. The sorry son of a bitch had tried to rape River, but she’d put him in his place. If he were smart, he’d stay the hell away from us.

My hand balled into a tight fist. While he was in town, I’d make sure that River had security with her twenty-four seven. I couldn’t take any chances. If Tim was tangled up in illegal weapons, then the men he associated with were as dangerous as he was, if not more. The hairs on the back of my neck bristled at the mere idea that Tim might hire someone to come after River. It was my responsibility to keep her safe. Guilt twisted my gut into knots as memories of Hannah’s smile haunted me. I hadn’t kept her from harm, but I wouldn’t fail this time.

Hopping up, I busied myself with opening the package of the Frette Bold sheet set. I couldn’t wait to bring River home that night. This was our bed, not one that I’d had other women in, including Becky. I was still in shock about Becky’s behavior toward River. I’d known Becky for several years, and if anyone had mentioned to me that she would hold a knife to someone’s throat, I would have told them they were fucking crazy. Man, had I missed that one.

I quickly fluffed our pillows and tucked the blankets into neat corners under the mattress. I was ready to give Tim, Logan, and Becky a swift kick in the ass and file them and their shitty behavior in the past. Since Dan had died owing Logan a ton of money, Logan was willing to take River for payment, and that shit didn’t fly with me. From what River had mentioned, Logan was a meth dealer and bad news. I didn’t want him anywhere near her. Besides, River and I were off to New York soon. We had a new and exciting future in front of us, and that’s what I wanted to focus on.

My cell buzzed in my back pocket, and I removed it. Zayne’s number illuminated the screen.

“This is Holden.”

“Is River with you?” Zayne asked, his voice thick with tension.

Goosebumps pebbled my arms. “No. Isn’t she with you?”

Silence filled the line for the length of a heartbeat.

“She ditched me.” There was no way that I could ignore the seriousness in Zayne’s tone.

Anxiety punched me in the stomach. “Where are you?” My palms grew sweaty, and I wiped one against my jeaned thighs.

“At the loading dock,” Zayne responded.

I didn’t even bother telling him I was on my way. I just hung up and dialed River’s number. No answer. I tried again, but it went straight to voicemail.

Opening the new nightstand drawer, I placed the ring in the back where River wouldn’t find it. Then I bolted out of the penthouse, my mind clamoring with possibilities of where she might be. The first stop was our office.

I called River three more times as I searched for her everywhere on the third floor, including the conference room. Nothing. Absolutely no sign that she’d even been there.

I swore under my breath as I paced in front of the elevator, willing it to hurry the hell up. My brain told me there was a logical explanation for why she would ditch Zayne, but a storm was brewing in my heart. Had Logan found her? Had Tim done something to her? Fear wrapped its cold fingers around my chest, and I rubbed my sternum. Surely, she was okay, and this was all a misunderstanding.

The doors whooshed open, and I hurried inside, selecting the main floor. As soon as I reached my destination, I darted out and ran to the loading area. Vaughn had joined Zayne, concern flashing in his mismatched gaze.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked, placing my hands on my hips, remaining beneath the overhang with Vaughn and Zayne.

Zayne turned slowly, and my stomach plummeted to my toes when I realized he was holding River’s purse. Time stood still. The sound of my heart drowned out the rolling thunder and sheets of rain slamming against the side of the building.

“This was left here on the loading dock.” Zayne’s voice was low, his expression grim. “They’ll take prints, so if you want to look through it before the police, then I’d grab some gloves.”

Nearly stumbling backward from what Zayne was implying, I whirled around and headed inside for the bar. Someone had taken River. Frantically, I rummaged beneath the sink until I found what I needed. I shook out a white pair of latex gloves, then returned to Zayne. He handed me her purse, and I cringed. I’d never gone through her belongings unless she’d given me permission, but this was different. I swallowed, my throat thick with fear.

Without pause, I opened her bag. “Fuck. Her phone is here.” I glanced at the men, then pocketed her cell. If the cops found out, I’d get in trouble for withholding evidence, but I didn’t give a shit. If she was really missing, I needed to know what the hell was going on. I offered a silent prayer to the universe as I unzipped the middle compartment. I could hardly breathe when my attention landed on a clear, zip-top baggie. Its only content was a little white stick—a white stick with two blue lines and the word “positive.”

My heart rate exploded into a frenzied gallop. I couldn’t catch a breath. Sheer terror coiled in my chest.

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