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Holden kissed me gently.

“I think this will be better. Maybe you can have a bodyguard for your mom part of the time. I’ll be spending my days at 4 Play. Hell, I can even work on my classes there in peace.” I flashed a smile at him, suddenly exhausted. “When do we need to be at the club tomorrow?”

“I don’t have classes on Monday, so around nine.” He took my hand and we strolled through the kitchen and formal dining room. Holden paused in the foyer. “Why don’t you head upstairs, and I’ll see if I can find Mom. I’m not sure if she’s here.”

“Sounds good.” I was excited to fill my purse and wallet while I waited for Holden to join me. Next on my to-do list would be a Washington State driver’s license instead of the one from Montana. With each day, I was building a new life with Holden and my new friends. Everything was perfect, except for Tim.

Anger reared its head inside of me. First, I had to deal with Dan, and now I had another sorry bastard to take care of.

Reaching the bedroom, I stood still for the retina scanner, then proceeded into our room. My leg ached like a son of a bitch. I sat down and removed my Nikes. Unless I was at the club, I preferred comfy tennis shoes, especially while I was healing.

I flopped back on the bed, sinking into the mattress. The doorbell rang, and I grabbed my cane and hurried down the hall in case Holden hadn’t heard it.

When I reached the top of the stairs, I smiled. Holden peered through the peephole, then opened the door. He stepped aside, inviting Vaughn and Zayne into the house.

I descended the steps and joined the group of men in the foyer.

“Hey guys,” I said to Zayne and Vaughn as I cozied up to Holden and slid my arm around his waist.

“River,” Vaughn said, nodding in my direction. His mismatched eyes held an element of seriousness, and I wondered what the men’s backgrounds were. The way they presented themselves and their posture made me guess military. My attention landed on their hands, but no wedding bands were in sight. I would have to let Brynn know.

Zayne greeted me as well, his stoic expression in place. They both wore black slacks and black Westbrook Security coats.

“Babe, they’re going to patrol the perimeter tonight, then they’ll drive us to the club in the morning.”

“Thank you both. I really appreciate it.”

“Our pleasure,” Zayne responded.

“I’ll let you guys finish.” I gave Holden a quick peck on the lips, then left them to discuss any additional business.

I returned to our room and undressed, exhaustion seeping into my bones. Since we now had a retina scanner at the door and no one could just waltz in, I slipped beneath the covers naked. Before my head hit the pillow, my eyes fluttered closed, and I sank into a fitful sleep.

Holden’s alarm woke me the next morning and I reached for him. I wasn’t sure what time he’d crawled into bed, but he’d wrapped me in his arms when he had. I gave him a kiss, then bounded out of bed, nearly giddy about my first day at work.

After my shower, I dressed in skinny jeans, my black boots, and navy blouse. Holden had slipped on a blue button-down shirt and jeans that hung low on his hips, hugging every muscular curve in his ass and thighs. I was tempted to take them off, but it would have to wait.

I held my long, dark hair up so Holden could slip the necklace around my neck.

“I love you, babe. I have to admit I get horny as hell when I see this on you.” His fingers lightly danced over my skin while he slipped the necklace around my neck and fastened the clasp. A soft moan escaped me as his hands slowly glided down my body. “We have time for a quickie.” He nipped at my ear, and I laughed.

I faced him and slid my arms around his waist. “How about on top of your desk when we take a lunch break?”

Holden groaned. “I wish I could. After I show you what to do for the day, I have to be upstairs with the contractors. I hired construction around the clock. There will be a few hours in-between shifts, but I want this up as fast as humanly possible. I’m ready to carry you through the door of our new place and straight to our bed.”

“I love the sound of that.” I kissed him slowly while I slid my hand down his chest and stomach. He sharply inhaled as I cupped his hard dick through his jeans. Normally, I saw Holden in suits that cost thousands of dollars while at 4 Play, but he would be in the middle of a construction zone.

“You’re not playing fair.” Holden chuckled and leaned his forehead against mine.

“Nope. But at least you’ll think about me all day.” I winked at him and sighed. My mind ran through my to-do list. “I have to catch up on my classes after work.”

“Me too. I have one tomorrow as well, so I won’t be in until later. You can call or text if you need me, though.”

I’d already decided that next semester I would take business courses. If Holden was taking a chance on me, then I wanted to show up for him the best way that I could. I owed him everything. Not just because he’d taken me in, but because he’d saved my life and taught me to love.

The day flew by as I reviewed problem areas concerning the bar and security. Holden also shared some of the financials with me so I could see where he was losing money. My brain kicked into high gear as I started to play with other options to bring in more profit. Problem-solving was one of my gifts and an area I’d excelled at in high school.

Holden had considered my idea of not having a bodyguard while at the club, but when I opened my office door to take a break, Zayne scared the shit out of me.

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