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“Yeah, I’m the same way. No cheating allowed.” I drummed my fingernails against the tabletop. “Well, shit. I’m really trying to figure out if what your dad said was out of spite or if it’s legit.” I closed my eyes and shook my head before I opened them again. “I’m so sorry, Brynn. I just accused your father of being a liar and I didn’t mean to.”

She waved me off. “He is. I mean, he was having an affair with Tim. Dad is a lot of things, including a cheater and liar. But this time I believe him.”

A sharp ache stabbed me and spread through my chest. I’d always wanted parents. At this rate, I wouldn’t be close to Holden’s parents either. If I were in Catherine’s shoes, I wouldn’t ever want to see the girl my husband had tried to rape, much less live with her.

“Are you leaning one way or the other that Tim really isn’t who he says he is?” My mind was spinning out of control. How would I keep this from Holden, and was it worth putting him in jeopardy and losing Brynn as my best friend? I already knew the answer. It was a big hell no. I would have to protect Holden without him knowing what was going on.

“When Dad sat down to talk to me, he knew that Tim had just arrived home from a business trip. I’m not sure why my father had him followed, but Tim said he was going to Australia, and that was a lie. He went to Monte Carlo where he met with one of the most dangerous men in the world. They were seen laughing and sharing drinks, so from that information it was assumed that he’s in business with them. Dad didn’t give me names in order to protect me.”

My stomach dropped to my toes like a lead ball. “That’s not a rumor, Brynn. It’s not normal to hang out with men like that unless you’re involved, too.”

“Exactly, but Holden and I have grown up together. I know Tim and Catherine well, so I struggled to believe it was real.” Brynn examined her fresh French tips. She’d opted for the French manicure this time.

“That’s what you meant about Holden being the good guy in the family!” I slapped my hand against the table, finally putting it all together.

“Yeah. Holden thinks I’m teasing him. I am, but he has no idea how serious I am behind the joking. Holden certainly doesn’t take after Tim. Or even after Catherine, for that matter. She can be the sweetest person to you, then turn on a dime and tear you to pieces. She was practically bi-polar with Hannah way before Hannah took off, but that’s another story for another day.”

A heavy silence hung in the air. “Brynn, I have one more question, then let’s try to enjoy our day together.”

“All right.” She tapped her fingers against her glass, obviously stressed.

“Why are you telling me all of this? Why not keep your mouth closed and pretend nothing happened? I don’t understand.”

Brynn removed the straw from her water and stirred her mimosa. “I haven’t had a genuine female friend in a really long time. My best friends are guys. That’s part of it, but when you told me what happened with Tim, it scared the shit out of me. I’m afraid you’re in danger. If you’re in danger, so is Holden.”

The waiter entered again with our food and my stomach growled in response.

“I understand.” I moved my napkin and silverware over so the server could place the plate of Mongolian beef in front of me.

Over the next half hour, we kept the conversation more upbeat, but my mind was running in frantic circles. The more Brynn had shared, the harder it was for me to dispute that Tim was involved in some serious shit. I wasn’t able to tell Holden about it, but I could insist on extra safety measures. After all, I’d just handed Tim’s nuts to him and made it clear he’d better not mess with me. Then Catherine threw him out of the house. An eerie shudder traveled through me. Son of a bitch. I’d made myself a fucking target again. First Logan and now Tim. Even after the new information, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Logan and Tim might be working together.

Chapter Thirty-Four

After lunch, Vaughn drove us to Brynn’s favorite art gallery. My leg felt better after our break, and I was looking forward to learning what expensive pictures I liked. More than that, I was eager to work on the penthouse. At least there I would be out of Tim’s line of sight.

Vaughn held the door open, and we entered. It was busier than I’d anticipated, and I eyed the people mulling around with champagne glasses in their hands.

“Brynn, darling. How wonderful to see you.” A tall, lean man approached us. His black hair was slicked back, and his pale blue eyes sparkled as his gaze roamed the length of Brynn’s body, then back to her face. His bright green suit was tailored perfectly to his shoulders and his fitted slacks tapered off at the ankle. His smile was striking.

“Ah, Pierre.” Brynn kissed him on his cheek, then squeezed his bicep. “How are you?”

“Wonderful. I’ve been busy buying art and working with galleries around the globe. I’ve finally made myself a name in the world of art, sex, and drugs.” He chuckled. “Speaking of sex ...”

Brynn raised her eyebrow, and Pierre had the decency not to finish his statement. “Pierre, I’d love for you to meet Holden’s girlfriend, River.”

Pierre assessed me harder than he had Brynn. “Holden Alastair?”

“Yeah.” I gave him a little wave, feeling horribly self-conscious.

“Damn, girl. You must be something else to make the Pacific Northwest’s most eligible bachelor settle down.”

“Pierre, you’re embarrassing her.” She winked at him.

“Did you meet Holden at 4 Play?” Pierre asked.

Shit. How was I going to explain how we met?

“No, she didn’t meet him there. They met through a mutual friend.”

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