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“After Jace showing up unannounced, I thought I’d better look into a solution that allowed them into the house without me having to run to answer it every time they showed up.”

“And it works beautifully,” Brynn said, smiling as she joined us in the game room, carrying a black garment bag. Her long red hair flowed down her back and her blue blouse accentuated her eyes. I made a mental note to ask Brynn what kind of jeans she wore. Her ass and long legs always looked amazing.

“Hey.” I returned her smile and walked toward her for a hug.

“I’m so excited that you have your cast off.” Brynn gave me a warm embrace with her free arm. “Are you ready to see what’s in the bag?” She wiggled her eyebrows at me, then turned her attention to Holden. “We’ll see you later. It’s girl time.”

Holden chuckled. “Be ready by eight.”

“Why so early?” I asked.

“I need to be there before the clients arrive,” he explained.

It finally dawned on me that he hadn’t given Brynn details of our plans tonight, which I appreciated. She wouldn’t think anything of Holden and me going to the club to celebrate that my cast had been removed. The fact that Holden and I were going to try out the Voyeur Room was too personal for me to share. Maybe that would change soon.

“Let’s go.” Brynn took my hand and led me upstairs to the bedroom I’d used before I moved into Holden’s.

“I feel like it’s been forever since I saw you, but it’s only been a few days.” It wasn’t as though I had much to tell Brynn. I was sure she’d heard all about Jace walking in on us.

As if she were in my mind, she grinned as we reached the guest bedroom. “So, when did you move into Holden’s bed?” She closed the door and hung the garment bag in the closet.

“Last night.” I lowered my head, my cheeks flaming red.

“Oh. You two finally got past all the playing around and slept together.” Brynn’s eyes widened, then a huge grin eased across her face.

“Yeah. He kept making me wait.” I giggled, suddenly shy.

“That’s because he wanted to make sure that you were ready,” Brynn assured me. “Well thank God I brought my dress over, too. I figured you had some deets to share.” She rubbed her palms together, nearly giddy. “I’m so excited that you two are a couple. I mean, I knew that you were into each other, but when Jace walked in on you naked ...” She planted her hands on her slender hips. “Is it wrong to say that I’m jealous he saw you without any clothes?”

I made a choking sound. “He discussed what he saw with you?”

Brynn waved it off. “Babe, we all discuss everything.”

She strolled across the room, then reached into the bathroom, flipping on the light. “Well, we did until you came along. Holden’s been really discreet about what’s going on with you. We see the looks and kisses, but he won’t discuss anything.” She approached me and placed her hands on my shoulders. “I’ve never seen him happier.” Brynn wrapped me in a warm embrace. “He deserves something good in his life.” She stepped back, assessing me. “Why don’t you take a shower and wash the cast residue off your leg? I’ll dry and fix your hair and makeup.” She beamed at me.

“Okay.” I glanced down, then grinned like a little kid. “I can wear jeans now!” I laughed.

“Do you own any? I’ve only ever seen you in shorts and the cast.”

My forehead creased as I realized I had one pair left in my backpack. The ones I was wearing when I got hit by the car had been torn and ruined.

“One.” Suddenly embarrassed by the fact that I didn’t own many clothes, I sat on the edge of the bed. “Um, Brynn … I’m just trailer trash.” My voice cracked at the horrible reminder that I didn’t fit into Holden’s world. “Holden offered to let me borrow Mallory’s shirts and shorts since we’re the same size. I mean, you and I bought bras and underwear at the same time we purchased my dress for the club, but ...”

Brynn sat down on the bed and tucked her legs beneath her. “You’re not trash, River. You’re one of us. Trash is someone that’s mean and vicious without a second thought about others. Trash is someone that refuses to see their value and lives the same life of crime and never makes changes. That’s not you. Holden would never fall for trash.” Brynn reached up and brushed a stray hair from my cheek. “If you don’t believe me, then just keep spending time with us and I’ll keep hammering it into that beautiful head of yours.” She sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. “River, we haven’t talked about the club and what you saw the night Holden showed you the rooms.”

“What’s there to talk about?” I wasn’t sure I wanted to have this conversation.

“The fact that Jace, Chance, Holden, and I are very close friends. The sex club,” she said softly. “I know it had to have been a lot to digest. And you learned things about me that I hadn’t told you because it was more than my secret to share. When Holden said he needed to be honest with you, he sat every member down and asked our permission.”

“That was cool of him.” My knee bounced up and down, my anxiety shooting through the roof.

“I also don’t want you to be concerned that because I’m bisexual that it changes our friendship. It doesn’t … at least not on my side.”

I finally realized where she was headed. “Brynn, I’m straight, but who you sleep with is no one’s business, even mine, and I consider us friends. I was surprised, but I was also a little jealous.”

Brynn frowned. “Jealous?”

“You all are so free, and sex almost destroyed my life … until now. I wonder how different I would be if I had met you all sooner.”

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