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My stomach flip-flopped with the reminder of Jace walking in on me naked in Holden’s bed after we’d made love for the first time. Horrified didn’t even begin to explain how I felt. But the memory of Holden inside of me made my core throb with longing.

Grinning, I looked around the gorgeous foyer. “Now that I can walk without crutches, will you finally give me a tour of the rest of the house? We’re always either in your room or downstairs, and I know there’s more to see.”

“Babe, it’s a ten thousand square foot home. Are you sure? It’s a lot of walking right out of the gate.”

I looked around and pondered how this might go down. Sucking on my bottom lip, I approached him, then ran my fingernails over his chest and down his black fitted long-sleeved shirt. “If I get tired, will you give me a ride?” I peeked up at him through my eyelashes as I caressed his dick through his jeans.

Holden leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. “You can have as many rides as you need.”

“Then let’s do it.” I grabbed his ass for good measure.

Holden slipped his arm around my waist and led me to the left of the foyer. “I’ll show you the game room, formal dining room, and the guest bedrooms first.”

“There’s more bedrooms?” I couldn’t hide the shock in my tone. There were already two downstairs and three upstairs.

“There’s also a kitchen and a mudroom that leads to the four-car garage. My parents’ room and office are on the other side of the house. They wanted to ensure they have privacy when they’re home and working.”

“Holy shit,” I said as we entered a dining room with a large chandelier hanging over the center of a long cherrywood table that easily sat twelve. I wondered why they had so many chairs when Holden hadn’t ever discussed relatives or holidays. A beautiful hutch matched the other furniture, and a full set of white china and wine glasses sparkled behind the glass doors.

“It’s not been used since … Hannah left.”

I didn’t miss the sadness in his words.

“I’m so sorry.” If anything, I understood the loneliness that accompanied not having a family, but I suspected it was amplified when you did have one and weren’t close.

Holden showed me the guest rooms next. By the time we arrived at the last one, my leg throbbed with each additional step, but I pushed through it.

“Growing up, I spent a lot of days here with Jace, Chance, Hannah, and Brynn. We still use it, but not as often.”

“Holy crap.” I gawked at the largest television I’d seen in my life. A pool table sat to one side of the room and a foosball table next to it. Rows of shelves were lined with games and DVDs. A fully stocked bar and two black sectional couches filled the space. “You could add a weight set in here, too.”

“We have a gym.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “Of course, you do.” I laughed. “Will you teach me to play pool some time?”

Holden’s brows shot up. “You’ve never played?”

“Nope.” I ran my fingertips along the back of the couches, the soft leather feeling cool against my skin. “What was it like?” I turned to him. “To grow up wealthy and not wondering where your next meal was coming from?”

Holden sat on the back of the sofa, his expression serious. “It never crossed my mind. I always had food, clothes, limos, and housekeepers.” He folded his arms across his chest. “I’ll never pretend to understand what it was like for you, but I’m guessing that we both had a lot of lonely years. The majority of my memories with my parents were when I was younger. Right after my tenth birthday, they started traveling all of the time. We had a nanny, but I think that Hannah’s lack of supervision and an active parent in her life drove her to find that love and security elsewhere. Unfortunately, she looked for it in the wrong places and it cost Hannah her life.” Guilt and pain clung to Holden’s words, piercing my heart.

I leaned on my cane, shifting my weight from my healing leg to my good one. “I’m learning that loneliness doesn’t have boundaries. Regardless, if someone is poor or rich, the feelings of abandonment can be the same.”

Holden placed a sweet kiss on my palm. The warmth of his touch traveled up my arm. “I’m not lonely anymore.” His words caressed my soul, whispering promises of safety and a new life with him.

“Me either.” I closed the gap between us, then kissed him tenderly.

Holden’s mouth opened, and his tongue swept across mine, tasting and taking what I was giving him. His hand slid up my bare thigh, and he palmed my ass through my shorts, pulling me between his legs.

The sound of the doorbell startled me, and I jumped.

Holden checked his watch. “It should be Brynn. I asked her to pick you up a few things for tonight.”

“Oh?” I couldn’t help but grin. Brynn had amazing taste in clothes, so I was always excited to see what she selected.

Holden pulled his phone from his back pocket, and his fingers danced across the screen. “I can unlock the front door with my cell now.” He held it up.

“Really? I had no idea someone could do that.” I peeked at the app he was referring to.

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