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I was more curious now than ever, but I decided to see what he had to say when I met him at the club. “Thank you. I promise I’ll take care of it tonight.”

“Girl, I’m not even worried about it. I know you will.” She returned to the black box and produced teardrop diamond earrings.

I put them in and tilted my chin up, catching the reflection of the diamonds. Dan had refused to pay for my ears to be pierced, so Addison and I took it into our own hands. My ears had hurt for days after Addison had done it the old-fashioned way with ice, a potato, and a needle. But it had worked. I only owned a few pairs of earrings, but occasionally I’d worked a few double shifts, so I’d splurge a few dollars on another set. I smiled at the memory, my heart aching for the one friend that had been consistent in my life. I had to figure out why Addison hadn’t responded.

“Here.” Brynn picked up the lip gloss from the counter, then dabbed some on my lips. She stepped away, and her approving gaze skimmed over me. “Even with the cast, you’re fucking gorgeous. No wonder Becky was so jealous. She saw your potential.”

I flinched at her name. “How is she?”

Brynn sighed. “She’s fine. I suspect she’s still a bit shaken about having a gun to her head, but maybe she’ll keep her drama down to a dull roar. If she hadn’t thrown a fit, she wouldn’t have barged out of the house and right into that guy’s arms.”

“What? That shit show wasn’t Becky’s fault. It was mine.” I placed my palm against my chest. Her words sank deep into the pit of my stomach, weighing me down with guilt. “If I hadn’t been hit by a car, none of this would have taken place.”

Brynn shoved her makeup in her bag, then picked it up. “River, what happened to Becky wasn’t on you. Becky has been teetering for a while, and she’s pulled some real crap with girls that showed an interest in Holden. All I’m saying is that if she’d behaved better, she wouldn’t have found herself in a shitty situation. That’s all.”

“Why do I get the feeling there’s a lot you’re not telling me?” I resisted chewing on my bottom lip since I had gloss on. Even though I’d decided that Becky was nuts, her words continued to haunt me on occasion.

“Because you’re right, there is, but she’s in the past now, and you have a great future in front of you. Let’s get through tonight, and if you decide to stick around, maybe I’ll fill you in.”

“Holden said the same thing. I mean the ‘if I stay’ part.” My voice cracked with anxiety as I recalled why we were dressed up. “He said I might have a difficult time with how he makes his money.”

Brynn looked at me, her gaze full of compassion. “I think you’ll be okay, but yeah, it might trigger you. None of us want that, and I told Holden it was too soon, but he said he promised you that there wouldn’t be any more secrets.”

“When did he tell you that?”

“He called me after your argument. Holden didn’t tell me what you two argued about, so I was genuinely shocked when you said he’d told you about Hannah.”

An alarm on Brynn’s phone filled the bathroom. “That’s us. It’s time to go. Are you ready to learn more about Holden?”

Yes and no. I was terrified the truth might send me packing and out of his life. At the same time, I needed to know who I was falling for.

Chapter Seventeen

The restless wind grazed the tops of the trees as we left the house through the front door. Brynn walked next to me as I slowly crutched along. My arms were sore as fuck after shopping all day, but I was too nervous about Holden’s secret to mention it.

“Ooh, someone is having a special night.” I nodded to the black limousine parked at the corner of the street.

“That’s ours. I’m going to have him bring the car closer, so you don’t have as far to go.” She removed her phone from her clutch, and seconds later, the vehicle backed up.

“Holy shit, I’ve never seen a limo other than on television!” I wasn’t able to hide the excitement in my voice.

“She’s beautiful. I’ve been in several, but this one is my fave,” Brynn said.

“Who rented it?” I asked as we approached the man in a black suit and white shirt that held the door open for us.

“It’s Holden’s. He uses it for business.” She flashed me a warm smile.

I should have known, but it hadn’t occurred to me. Reaching the vehicle, I turned around and placed my butt on the soft black leather of the seat, then held my casted leg while I spun around and brought my feet in. “That was sexy, huh?” I giggled, slightly embarrassed. Brynn laughed and climbed in as well. It was then that I paid attention to the driver. His light brown hair and emerald-green eyes were mesmerizing, and I found myself lost in his gaze. He was at least six-three, and his stoic expression was a little disarming, but my hormones and body were completely fine with it.

My core pulsed and heat pumped through every willing part of me. Holy shit, what in the hell was happening? “Thank you. What’s your name?” I asked, a bit breathless.

“Zayne. I’m your driver and bodyguard.”

I gulped. Bodyguard? I nearly gave myself whiplash looking at Brynn.

“Wait until you see the rest of them. They’re hot as hell.” Brynn fanned herself. “Group sex has never looked so good,” she whispered.

“Are you safely in the vehicle?” Zayne asked, his gaze landing on Brynn briefly, then me.
