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“They feel pretty good. How do they look?”

Brynn blew me a kiss. “By the time we’re done getting pampered, you’re going to take Holden’s breath away.” Brynn laughed and hurried to the dressing room. “I’ll take these back while you change clothes.” She reached into her bra and produced a black Amex. “Holden gave it to me for today.” She wiggled her brows at me.

“Shit!” I fumbled around for the price tag. “Jesus! Fifteen hundred dollars?” I slapped my palm against the wall for support, so I wouldn’t fall over. “At this rate I’ll be his indentured servant for the rest of my life.”

Brynn’s face fell and all of the excitement drained from her expression. “I can’t express this enough, River. There are no strings attached. Ever. You could walk away tomorrow with the phone, laptop, and clothes, and the only thing Holden would miss is you.”

I blinked rapidly, trying to comprehend what she’d just said.

Saving me from saying anything, Brynn piped up. “Our massage and facial appointments are next. We’ll get a manicure and pedicure after that, then we’re off to the salon.”

“Good grief, I’ll need a nap before we go out tonight!”

Brynn waved her first finger at me. “Can’t. You would mess up your hair and makeup. You’ll have to sleep sitting up on the couch.”

We laughed, but I knew she was right. “What time will we see the guys? Holden made it sound like he wouldn’t see me until tonight.”

“We’ll meet them at nine.”

My pulse kicked up a notch at the thought of seeing Holden. If I had to dress nice, I wondered what he would be wearing. A tux? A suit? My heart hammered against my ribcage in anticipation.

We’d swung by Brynn’s house, and she hurried in to grab her new dress she’d bought the other day, along with her heels and a duffle bag. From the street view, her home was almost as large and gorgeous as Holden’s. I hadn’t seen a brick home in Spokane until we pulled up to Brynn’s. I loved the whitewashed effect instead of the more common red. Well-trimmed shrubs lined the walkway to the black double doors. The windows in the front allowed a peek inside the living room, where Victorian furniture filled the space. Brynn and Holden definitely ran in the same financial circles.

It was seven-thirty by the time we arrived back at Holden’s. Brynn offered to take my new purchase from Adam & Eve to my bedroom and tuck it in the nightstand. I admitted that I’d be horrified if Holden found it.

Five minutes after we were at Holden’s, the doorbell rang, and I froze. What if Logan was at the door? I’m sure he knew where I was and had just sent Billy to Holden’s house instead.

“It’s probably the pizza. Hang tight.” Brynn’s long legs took her up the stairs and to the front door.

Shortly after, she returned with two large pizza boxes, and the tension in my neck and shoulders eased.

“We have to eat up. We’re going to burn some major calories tonight.”

“Dancing?” I wasn’t sure if she’d meant to let the hint slip or not. She’d been very tight-lipped about the upcoming evening.

“Eat.” She flipped open the box and grabbed a huge slice of cheese pizza. “What do you want to drink?”

“Is there a Dr Pepper?” I asked around my first bite. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was. Apparently, being pampered all day worked up an appetite.

“It’s Holden’s favorite, so he never runs out. It’s like he has it on tap or something.” She grinned, gathered a few cans, and gave me one.

We ate in silence, then we brushed our teeth and slipped into our evening dresses.

“I’ve never worn anything like this before.” I stared at myself in the mirror, dumbfounded by the transformation. My long dark hair had been washed, conditioned, trimmed, and straightened. My makeup was a perfect blend of smoky eyeshadow, eyeliner, and a dab of mascara on my dark lashes. The foundation had concealed the rest of my bruises, and unless someone had seen me a few days ago, they would never know they were there.

“You’re stunning, girl. Walk like you know it.” Brynn applied a light gloss to her lips, then set the tube down.

“Oh shit, I almost forgot.” Brynn rummaged around in her duffle bag, then produced a black box. She flipped the lid open, and my mouth hit the floor.

“Let me put it on you.” Brynn slipped the choker necklace around my neck and fastened it. “There. Take a look.”

I peered at my reflection in the mirror, skimming my fingers over the fancy diamond H embedded in the gold. My stomach flip-flopped. I’d never worn something this valuable before, and I was nervous as hell that I’d lose or break it.

“What’s the H stand for? Hannah?”

“No, Holden would never give you her jewelry to wear. This is for you, and he’ll explain later.”
