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“Can we? I really need to see her.” Anxiety hummed in my ears. Brynn couldn’t have cancer. This wasn’t happening.

Holden looked at Reid. “I’m not going to mention you until after we have the DNA results. No offense, but I can’t overload Brynn right now.”

Reid raised his hands. “I totally understand. I would do the same.” Reid’s attention shifted to me. “You know where I am if you need anything.”

Finally, Jace chimed in. “How about I take Reid to buy some clothes and toiletries while you two talk to Brynn? Tell her I love her.” Jace kissed me on the cheek, then disappeared into the other guest bedroom.

“It will be good for you to get out, to see Spokane a little.” I gave Reid an encouraging glance.

Jace returned, shoving his wallet into the back pocket of his jeans. “Let me know if anything changes,” he said to Holden.

“Of course. Thanks for helping Reid.” Holden flashed a wistful smile at them.

“Later.” Reid kissed me on the top of my head.


“Let’s sit on the couch so we can prop the phone up.” Holden slipped an arm around my waist and led us across the room.

Wearily, I sank into the seat in the middle. Holden propped his cell up with the stand on his iPhone case, then he tapped the app for FaceTime.

My knee bounced uncontrollably, fear, grief, and anxiety somersaulting inside of me, leaving me a bit dizzy.

Chance’s face filled the screen, a huge smile easing across his handsome features as tears welled in his eyes. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you, River.” He ran a hand through his blonde hair.

I pursed my lips and cleared my throat. “You, too. I missed all of you more than you’ll ever know.” I swallowed the lump of emotion down, willing myself not to burst into tears as the hospital room came into view.

“Same here. You’re family now,” Chance choked out.

“I feel that way about you guys, too.” I placed my palm on Holden’s knee, my anger dissipating.

“Do you want to see her? She’s doing better, but … I wanted to try to prepare you.” Chance blew out a sigh, clearly stressed.

“Please.” I bounced my leg up and down, unsure of what to expect.

Chance tapped the screen and flipped the phone’s camera, Brynn’s pale face showing in the background. “She’s sleeping right now. Her parents and Catherine have been with her off and on the last few days. It’s good for her, but it wears her out.” Chance reversed the image, focusing on him again.

Even though Chance tried to warn me, nothing could have prepared me for the drastic difference—pale skin, prominent cheekbones, and obvious weight loss. My stomach dipped, and an anxious, fluttery feeling descended on me. She didn’t look like the beautiful, sunny Brynn I knew. How could everything have taken such a radical turn so damned fast? Trying to mask my disappointment, I chewed on my thumbnail. “She knows I’m back, right?”

“Oh yeah. I woke her up to tell her that. I would have lost my balls if I hadn’t.” Chance’s low chuckle filled the phone line.

I snickered and glanced at Holden. “Yeah, this one almost lost his a few minutes ago when he finally decided to tell me about Brynn.”

Chance grimaced. “I told you, man. It wasn’t a good idea to wait.” Chance shook his head as Holden narrowed his gaze on him, most likely irritated that Chance threw him under the bus.

“What?” I playfully smacked Holden on the arm.

Holden winced and rubbed the spot as though I’d actually hurt him. Suddenly, I had an overwhelming desire to kiss him.

“When can I see her?” I asked the guys.

“Get your fucking ass down here as soon as you can,” Brynn said, her voice sleepy and groggy.

Chance moved to the side of her bed and held the phone up, flipping the camera forward-facing.

“Hey, bestie.” I sat on my hands to hide the fact that I was trembling. Now that we were up close, I could see how bad the cancer was treating her. Her cheeks were sunken, skin pale, and her coloring was off. She needed a facial and her nails done to help her feel a little more human.

“I’ll be there as soon as I can.” My chin shook, a rush of grief and shock hitting me all at once. I placed my fingers against my chest, rubbing at the pain gouging my heart.

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