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I sank into my seat, a bit perplexed by the revelation. “Sutton said she wanted to introduce me to a few girls who had been through hell and back. I wonder if it’s them?”

“I have no idea. Sutton loves helping people. She’s an amazing human being.” Zayne placed his hand over his chest. “We’ve all been in each other’s lives since high school. They’re my family.”

“Just like Holden with the guys and Brynn.”

Zayne glanced away, but I didn’t miss a flicker of pain in his features before he did. Before I could ask him what he was hiding, the guys returned. I stood, wanting to run to Holden, but I held myself back.

He looked at me, pain etched into his features. What if the new information about Holden’s family ripped us apart? What if we couldn’t move forward and heal? I waited for him to approach, my pulse pounding in my head so hard I thought I might pass out. I set my coffee down on the table between the chairs as he climbed the steps. Then, taking me off-guard, he grabbed the sides of my face and kissed me possessively. “We’ll talk more later. I love you.”

I melted into him as relief washed over me. “Okay.” My answer was muffled against his chest, but I knew he heard me when he rubbed my back.

The door flung open, and Jace appeared. His brown hair was still damp. He tugged on the hem of his black T-shirt. “Man, it sure is good to see you here, River.” He stood there looking at each of us, grinning. In a few steps, he gathered me into a bear hug, then he smacked a noisy kiss on my cheek.

I laughed. “You, too.”

“Who’s hungry?” Jace asked. He pointed at Reid. “I know he is. This dude can eat.”

Reid blushed and smiled sheepishly. “It’s nice to not have to beg for food.”

Even though Reid was trying to make light of it, I knew everyone well enough to recognize that all of our hearts broke a little more for him.

“I could eat.” We kept the conversation fun as we filed into Chance’s house. Since Holden knew about Opal and Kassandra, I was itching to talk to my bestie. I tugged on his arm. “Can I borrow your phone to call Brynn? I’m missing her something awful. I just need to hear her voice.”

The room quieted, and my attention bounced from Jace to Holden. “What is it?” That fucking annoying feeling in my gut returned. I’d known something was off, but I dismissed it after Holden told me about the fire and Tim. “What aren’t you telling me?”

Holden rubbed my arm. “Babe, you should sit down.”

Jace pulled a bar stool out for me and patted the black cushion. Reid sat on the one next to me. Holden stepped between my legs and took my hands in his. “I know we have a lot to work through, and I was hoping you could get some rest first …”

“Spit it out, please. You’re scaring me.” I glanced at Jace for help, but his head was bowed. “Holden?”

Chapter Eighteen

He nodded, tears in his eyes. “She’s sick, River. Brynn is sick.” He threaded his fingers behind his neck and looked up at the ceiling briefly.

“What?” I gently shoved him backward and jumped off the barstool. “What do you mean, Brynn is sick?” I tossed my hands up in the air and began to pace. “And why haven’t you told me? Where is she? Sick how? I had better get some answers before I tear this place to pieces!”

“She’s at the Knight’s Center in Portland. She … she has cancer. It’s B-Cell Lymphoma and in her stomach right now, babe.” Holden lowered his arms, reaching out to me. “I didn’t know how to tell you, yet. We got home late last night, and you needed some sleep.”

I jabbed my finger into his chest. He winced as I looked up at him. I was furious that he’d waited to talk to me. “You had no fucking right to keep that from me. Brynn is my best friend. The only other one I’ve had except for Addison, who has barely talked to me since I left Montana.” I poked him a few more times. “If you ever pull that shit with me again, I’ll—”

“River,” Reid said softly, interrupting me from telling my boyfriend off.

I spun around to face him, my fingers clenching and unclenching into tight balls, daggers shooting from my eyes. “What?”

“He did the best he could in a fucked-up situation. Holden was trying to protect you as long as he could.” Reid eliminated the space between us and rubbed my arms. “Take a deep breath.”

“No,” I seethed. “I need to talk to her right now.” I resisted the urge to stomp my foot like a little girl.

“Not until you calm down. Your friend can’t see you like this. It won’t help her any.” Reid brought me in for a sweet hug.

My shoulders sagged, the anger easing a bit. He was right, and I knew it, but I was still mad at Holden for not telling me immediately. “Okay.” I broke our embrace and turned to my boyfriend.

An odd expression, one I couldn’t quite place, flickered across his features as he stared at Reid.

“I’m sorry.” I placed my palm on Holden’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I shouldn’t have treated you like that. All you’ve done is take care of me since I’ve been back … since we met, actually.”

Holden smoothed my hair. “I didn’t expect you to react any differently. It’s been really fucking hard. Why don’t we FaceTime her?”

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