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I set my muffin down on the bed, then stuck my arm through the bars. “Here, let’s try.”

Reid’s arm popped out, and he crooked it in my direction. It was hard as hell to see, but our fingertips grazed. “Is that you?” I asked, breathless from smashing my body against the unforgiving iron bars.

Reid’s fingers found mine. “Hi, River,” he whispered. “It’s nice to officially meet you.” He squeezed my hand in his.

I held on, refusing to let him go. “When I get out of here, you’re coming with me. If neither of us have a biological family, then you’ll be a part of mine.” Reid deserved a real life. One filled with laughter, love, and friends. He’d already shown me compassion. I had no doubt in my mind that he could recover and build something wonderful out of his life. Crazily enough, if I could have hope for Reid, I had hope for my own recovery.

“I like the sound of that. What will your boyfriend think, though? I’m pretty good-looking. It might make him uncomfortable.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

“He’ll love you. He’ll love you for being here for me. For checking up on me and sharing your muffin.” I giggled. “You’ll love Brynn. She’s my best friend and stunningly beautiful. Men literally trip over themselves when she walks by. She’s smart and funny. So are Chance and Jace. I have a feeling you’ll fit right in. More than that, you’ll be safe from anyone who wants to hurt you again.” I trailed off, hoping he would get the impact of my statement. “We can even spend holidays together.” Even though Reid had been forced to live behind these walls most of his life, I’d lived as a prisoner in my own home with Dan. Other than the few holiday celebrations at school, I hadn’t ever had a real Thanksgiving or Christmas. Addison and her family drove to see relatives every year. Everything that I mentioned to Reid, I wanted, too. I would’ve had it with Holden, Brynn, Chance, and Jace if I hadn’t gotten myself kidnapped.

A rush of overwhelming anger rose inside me, and I gritted my teeth. There was no use wasting my energy being angry at myself when it was impossible to reverse time. I had to stay focused on surviving and protecting my baby.

A sniffle came from Reid’s direction, breaking through my thoughts as his thumb stroked the back of my hand. “You’re the first family I’ve had since I was little,” he whispered.

And I promptly burst into tears. “Well, now you’ve gone and done it. You’re stuck with me. And from now on, I’ll do everything in my power to protect my brother.”

“And I’ll do the same for you. Thanks, River. That’s the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

I smiled. “Get used to it.”

We remained silent as I marveled over the bond we’d formed so quickly. I just hoped like hell my words weren’t lies. I knew deep down I would do anything to help him, which gave me something to hold onto—that, and seeing Holden again.

“We should try to get some sleep.” Reid dropped his arm.

“Night, Reid.” Without another word, I gathered my muffin and crawled back into my bed. At least I wasn’t alone in this terrifying camp anymore.

Chapter Five

The following day, Reid’s cell opened, and I tracked two sets of footsteps. There must have been another entrance at the end of the building because they never walked by me.

I stretched, then placed my feet on the ground. I’d slept with my shoes on in order to keep my toes warm. Plus, I wanted to be prepared for any opportunity to run.

Every muscle in my body ached from Barrett jerking me around the day before. I wondered if he would return with food and clothes, or if the portion I’d saved of the blueberry muffin last night would be my only meal for the foreseeable future.

Walking around the small room, I realized I should be exercising. Sit-ups, planks, pushups, running in place. Anything to keep my muscles active and in shape, because when the opportunity presented itself, I would have to haul ass across the field I’d seen when Barrett brought me here.

Since I literally had nothing else to do, I dropped to the floor and started the indoor routine I’d had in high school. Squats were first. The more I worked on building my strength, the better I felt. It’d been days since I’d had any real activity other than fighting Barrett. My body burned with satisfaction.

Sweat beaded on my forehead, and I swiped at it before it rolled into my eyes. After I’d run through my circuit training, I made my way to the sink and washed my face, pits, and lady bits the best I could. Satisfaction pumped through my veins. I would work out three times a day. More if I had real food to eat.

A loud creak set my nerves on edge; anxiety hummed beneath my skin.

I leaned against the back wall where I could see better. This time Barrett wouldn’t catch me off-guard. I’d been half asleep yesterday morning. My fingers flexed as I imagined slamming my fist into his face and the bones in his nose crunching. I waited, holding my breath, but no one ever appeared. I frowned as the sound of Reid’s cell opening reached my ears. My pulse kicked up a notch. What if something awful had happened to him?

I was frozen in place, listening for the retreating footsteps and the clank of the door closing before I rushed to the bars. “Reid?” I whispered.

“River,” he responded immediately, relief obvious in his tone. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“Wait, are you okay? I didn’t think you were here during the day.” My voice trembled, images of a bloody and broken body slamming into my mind. Reid had to be all right. He was the only friend I had here.

“I’m fine. Well, considering. My clients cancelled, so I’m here today.”

A heavy sigh of relief slipped through my lips. “I thought you were hurt,” I confessed.

“No, nothing like that.” Confusion clung to his words.

