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“What’s that look for?” I tossed my cell on the couch and stretched out. I was running on only a few hours of sleep for the last several nights, and it was starting to kick my ass.

“Are … you, Chance, Jace, and Brynn. Are you all together?” Zayne’s tone twinged with a hint of curiosity, but was completely free of judgment.

I propped my head on the throw pillow. “Not anymore. We …” I played with the idea of how much to tell him. Honestly, I got the feeling that Zayne wouldn’t give a shit how close we really were, but it wasn’t just about me, and I had to respect everyone’s wishes.

“I think we’ve all been in love with Brynn at one point. We all grew up together. And, yeah, we’ve all been together and done shit, but I stopped almost a year ago.”

“Hmm. I didn’t see it at first. Then your conversation with Chance tipped me off. I’ve noticed how Brynn looks at each of you. I’m not sure she could choose who she loves more.”

“Chance,” I said, helping him out a little bit. “He’s fucking balls-deep in love with her too. They’ve just never discussed his feelings.” I chewed the inside of my cheek before I continued. “I suspect that’s all about to change.”

“An illness like cancer can change a lot of shit fast.” Zayne leaned up against the wall and crossed his legs at the ankles.

I sat up, eyeing him suspiciously. “Are you into Brynn? I mean, I don’t know a red-blooded male that isn’t. She’s stunning, smart, and has a huge heart. She doesn’t let many people get close to her.”

“She’s made it clear she wouldn’t say no if I wanted to spend some time with her. That was before her diagnosis though. I suspect by the time she’s better, her focus will be elsewhere.”

“Yeah, I agree. If you’re simply needing to fuck, then I can hook you up with some beautiful women. One, two, three, whatever your pleasure is.”

“I can tell you’re used to dealing with clients,” Zayne chuckled. “A night of fun would be good. Before Vaughn met Claire and Pierce and Sutton got back together, we had some wild nights.” A grin pulled at the corner of his mouth.

“Together?” I asked, suddenly curious.

“We definitely shared and watched,” Zayne folded his arms across his chest. “Now that they’ve settled down, and I haven’t …”

“If you met the right woman, would you?” I asked, sticking my nose where it really didn’t belong.

“That’s not on my radar right now.”

“Can Tad stay on duty tonight? Let me treat you to an evening of fun.” I grabbed my phone and texted Sutton.

Can Tad stay for the next twenty-four hours? I’d like to treat Zayne to a night out. He needs it.

I assumed Pierce was working since I hadn’t spoken to him all day. Sutton’s response came quickly.

Let me check the schedule, and you’re probably right. Z never takes time off, so it would do him some good.

While I waited for Sutton’s response, I grinned at Zayne. “What’s your poison?”


“Blonde? Brunette? Redhead?” I scrolled through my contacts, searching for the right girls for him.

“All of the above.”

I chuckled. If Zayne and I had met under different circumstances, we would have become friends.

Sutton’s message popped up on my screen.

Yeah, I can move the guys around. I’ll let Zayne know.

I held my cell up. “Looks like you’re going to have one hell of a night.” I grinned.

Seconds later, Zayne’s phone pinged with a text. “I’m ready. I’m going to head to my place and get cleaned up.”

“I’ll text in a bit with details. I need to check on availability first.”

“Thanks again.” Zayne shook my hand and patted me on the back before he left.

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