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“Apparently you’re one hell of a fuck.” Zayne chuckled. “Women don’t do favors like that unless they want something in return.”

I massaged the back of my neck. “You gathered that from what I shared with you?”

“Nope. I got it from her body language and the way she looked at you. You could have taken her straight to your bed if you’d wanted to. I saw the whole thing. You made it very clear that you’re in love with River and you refused to cross the line with Michelle or anyone else. I don’t think you’ll have any more trouble from her.”

“Let’s hope not. I’m not interested in Michelle at all. The only reason I’m putting up with her is for River, which is ironic because, when River learns about all of this, I’ll probably have to restrain her from hunting Michelle down and beating her ass.”

Zayne laughed. “Might be fun to watch.”

The front door flung open, interrupting our chat.

“Holden, it’s Brynn!” The color had drained from Chance’s cheeks, and he looked scared as hell. “I’ve called the ambulance,” he said.

I flew past him and into the house, searching for her. I darted to Chance’s bedroom and gasped.

“Brynn?” I swear to God, my heart stopped beating.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chills coasted over my skin as I focused on a very pale Brynn. Her eyes were closed. “Brynn?” I ran over to her as her eyelids fluttered open, her breathing labored. I glanced at her stomach and swore. She looked like she was six months pregnant.

Crawling onto the bed, I took her limp hand in mine and kissed her knuckles. “Hang on, hon. Help is on the way. Stay with us.”

Fear danced across Brynn’s face as she attempted to take a deep breath.

“It’s okay. The ambulance will be here soon,” I promised.

“What the fuck happened? I don’t understand.” I asked Jace while I continued to brush her red hair off her clammy forehead, willing her to be all right. Tears clouded my vision while I spoke softly to her.

Jace bowed his head, and his body shuddered with a shaky breath. He held her other hand as we waited for the paramedics. “I think her stomach is pushing on her lungs.”

Sirens filled the air and grew louder with each passing second, then the EMTs filed into the house. A firm grip on my shoulder tugged me away from Brynn.

“Holden, you have to move and allow them to get to her,” Zayne ordered.

I stared at him blankly, then hopped off the bed. Jace backed up against the wall, panic-stricken. Zayne and I joined him while we waited for Chance to explain Brynn’s condition to the paramedics. He appeared calm, but I knew better since his hands were shaking.

I helplessly watched as they checked her vitals and loaded her on the gurney. “Come on, Brynn. Hang in there,” I whispered. Sweat trickled down my spine and forehead.

My back slid down the wall as I crumpled to the floor. This wasn’t good. In a matter of hours, Brynn’s stomach had transformed. The doctors had to help her, or she wouldn’t even make it to her first chemo treatment.

“Who is riding with her?” One of the EMTs called out.

“Chance is her husband,” I said before I realized it. One of us had to pretend to be. Her fucking parents were in Europe. The hospital wouldn’t talk to us about her medical options, but they could speak with Chance since I’d offered him up as her spouse. He was the best one out of the three of us. Plus, he was madly in love with her. I had to meet with my sorry excuse of a father tomorrow. Jace was a great guy, but he always cracked under pressure. Chance had a consistent, steady head on his shoulders, even in a crisis.

The place cleared out as fast as it had filled up with the medical team. Chance waved at us, then hurried after her. I spotted his wallet on the nightstand along with his phone. I snatched them up and hauled ass behind him.

“Chance!” I waved the items in the air right before they closed the ambulance doors. “He needs his wallet and cell.”

The EMT opened the door again, and I ran over, handing Chance his belongings. “Call us as soon as they have her stable with a room number.” I wanted to go with him, but Jace and I would just sit in the waiting area. Since Chance was Brynn’s fictional husband, he’d be able to stay with her until she was stabilized. Plus, if Pierce learned anything about River, I needed to be available to help. Not to mention that I didn’t trust Tim to not show up in Washington unannounced. I didn’t want him anywhere near Brynn, and the best way to protect her was to keep my distance until she felt better.

He nodded, his face twisted with fear as I backed up so they could rush her to the hospital.

I stood rooted to the ground in Chance’s front yard as I watched them drive away, the sirens piercing the humid summer air. Returning to the porch, I sank down on the steps. Sighing hard and giving into the hot wash of uncontrollable emotions, I rested my chin on my knees and lost my shit.

The porch creaked behind me, but I remained still. I couldn’t handle looking at anyone. My heart couldn’t take anymore. First River, and now Brynn. What if the doctors couldn’t help Brynn? What if she died, and this was the last time we would see her alive? Jesus. How the hell would I be able to tell River that Brynn had passed away while she was gone? I flexed my fingers, then clenched them into a tight fist. None of this shit was okay. It wasn’t right. We’d been through enough.

The small thread that was left of my sanity snapped, and my anger was quickly redirected toward my bastard of a father. Fuck Tim. I wanted answers, goddammit.

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