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Time stood still in the elevator as it dawned on me what I’d said. Holden’s smiled dropped off his face, and he balled his hands into fists, his nostrils flaring with anger.

Confused, I struggled to figure out if I’d pissed Holden off or if he was mad about something else. One thing I couldn’t fucking afford to do was irritate him. For now, I needed to play it safe until I was healed. Dammit. I sure was tired of walking on eggshells around people. One day, I would get it right. One day, I’d tell the heavens to go fuck themselves as I took my life back and created a new one. I would rewrite my story.

The ding of the elevator pulled my attention away from him.

“I’ll get the car.” Holden darted out before I could say anything else.

The nurse hit the button, and the doors slid closed. “Hon, are you safe at home? Who is Dan?”

“I’m fine. It was a long time ago.” I gulped, praying that I could clear my head enough to lie and cover up my slip. “I think I’m just feeling a little loopy and vulnerable. Holden is as safe as it gets.” I patted her arm, hoping my words were enough to assure her that all was well in my world. It was. Dan’s remains were probably still at the bottom of the hill unless the coyotes had finished what Killer had started.

“You’re in a safe situation now?” She knelt beside me, searching for signs that I wasn’t being honest.

“Yeah. Holden hasn’t hurt me. He’s really good to me actually.”

The nurse stood and removed a business card from her pocket. “If you ever find yourself in trouble, call this number. They’ll help with a good place to stay or a hotel.”

I took the information from her and folded it in my hand. “Thank you.”

The doors opened again, and the nurse wheeled me out of the elevator and down a long hall. She pushed the handicap button, then we exited the hospital. Several cars were lined up in the pick-up lane, and I shivered from the sudden cold and rubbed my arms.

“I’m here,” Holden said as he jumped out of a sleek black Audi and opened the passenger door for me. He lifted me from the chair and placed me in the car. I winced as he pushed the button, and my seat moved back, allowing more legroom. Holden buckled me in, then thanked the nurse.

“Are you cold? I turned the heat on high.” He held his fingers in front of the vent, testing the warmth of the blasting air stream. “I’ll put a chair in the shower for you. We’ll have to cover your leg, too. You can’t get it wet.” He glanced at me, his expression not revealing his feelings. “Let’s go home.”

“Home. The word sounds so safe.” I rolled my head against the headrest of the car. “I’ve never had that before.” I touched my fingertips to the leather dashboard, ignoring the concern etched into Holden’s face.

“No one should have to live like that, River. No one.”

“If you only knew. If you knew, Holden… you would leave me outside next to your garbage to be collected on pick up day.”

For the first time in my life, I witnessed someone’s heart crack open and bleed.

Chapter Eight

Despite my protests, Holden carried me into the house and downstairs. He deposited me on the leather couch, disappeared, then returned a few minutes later with several pillows to prop my leg up, along with a fresh ice pack. He placed a bottle of water and my meds on the end table and looked at his phone.

“You can have another pain pill in a few hours.”

“Yes, sir.” I gave him a half-hearted salute and snickered.

Holden sat near my feet and grabbed the remote control. “We have satellite, Netflix, Prime, and more channels to choose from than you’ll ever have time for while you’re healing.”

“We’re going to watch TV?” I attempted to remember what I wanted to ask a while ago, but it was just out of my reach.

“We can. I mean, you’re pretty out of it and you need to rest.”

I frowned at him. “You’re kinda bossy. And I wanted to ask you something from earlier, but I can’t remember. I’m not sure I’ll even remember what I just said if you count to five. These pills are really fucking me up.” I flashed him a smile, then it faltered when my brain registered his expression.

He twisted on the couch and looked at me. “River….”

His voice was a gentle touch to my battered soul.

“Yeah?” I wiggled my butt on the smooth leather in order to prop myself up better, so I could see him over my leg.

“Who hurt you? The bruises.” He pinned me with his gaze, and I struggled not to squirm like I had when I was a young girl in the school counselor’s office. My teacher had turned Dan in for abusing me, but they never did anything. Maybe the Child Protective Services thought I would be better off in the house with that bastard than in a foster home. How fucked up was that?

I searched the room, the sudden urge to flee consuming me.

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