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“I believe you, River, but I’m still going to keep an eye on the situation.” He folded his hands in front of his waist.

I nodded, unable to speak for fear I’d let something slip about being on the run from those sick and twisted men in Montana.

“I’ll see you in two weeks. If everything looks good, I’ll see you at the six-week mark, then physical therapy.”

I ground my molars together. Where was I going to stay while I healed?

“When are you going back to Michigan?” The doctor approached the computer and started typing.

“She’s staying here for a while. She’s considering college in the fall, so she’s pretty much moved in since my sister is gone.”

What? I sure as hell couldn’t argue with him at the moment, but there was no way I was about to become his problem. I would figure shit out on my own.

“Excellent, then I’ll see you in a few weeks.” Dr. Martin patted me on the arm, then left the room.

After my nose had been reset, I was more than ready to leave the hospital.

“Let’s go, Bambi.”

I scowled at him. “You’re not funny. If my legs hadn’t been so damned cold, I would have cleared the chair without any issue.”

“I wasn’t referring to that. You’re skittish like a baby deer. When they’re spooked, they jump over shit and run their asses off.”

“Lame. You need to work on better comparisons.” I tilted my chin up at him as the pain meds began to seriously mess with my overstimulated brain.

“Well, regardless, you’re stuck with me now. Let’s get you home and your leg propped up. I have crutches from my own accidents. I’ll adjust the height, and you can use them.”

My emotions and logic were in a full-on tug-of-war. My head said no, but I was exhausted and tired of fighting. Tired of fighting to live, tired of fighting off men with shitty intentions, and tired of my dumb-ass luck. If I left Holden’s house, I would be a hobbling target, begging for some stupid fuck to hurt me again. Maybe this time, I needed to trust Holden.

A nurse rolled a wheelchair over to my bed. Before I could protest, Holden lifted me off the uncomfortable mattress and gently placed me in the chair.

“At least you didn’t have to change into a hospital gown.” A wide grin played across Holden’s lips.

“Ha! No way am I baring my ass to everyone.” I lightly swatted at his hand. “I can ...” I was going to say walk, but I couldn’t. The cast was wrapped up to my knee, so I could hardly bend it. There was no way in hell that I could put any pressure on it. I suppose I would have to learn to hop around with one foot when I was in a situation where I couldn’t use the crutches.

The nurse pushed me down the hall and to the elevator.

“I’ll bring the car around to the entrance,” Holden said, looking down at me.

My heart slammed against my chest. He was the most beautiful guy I’d seen in my life. Absolutely mouthwatering. Angular jaw, light stubble across his chin, and muscles that I’d love to dig my fingernails into when ... I blinked rapidly, trying to steer my thoughts in another direction, but all I wanted was to touch him.

Holden laughed and gently patted my shoulder. “Those pain meds are treating you pretty well.”

“Yup,” I said, giggling. The sound was completely foreign to my ears. I hadn’t giggled in years. Not even with Addison.

“I miss Addison,” I sighed. “A lot.” Holden had no idea how bad I missed her. Dammit. Addison didn’t even have a fucking clue of where I was. I really needed to figure out how to email her.

“Best friend?” Holden asked.

“Yup.” I popped my lips together for the sound effect and snickered.

The nurse grinned. “I gave your partner your prescription. You’ll need those for a few days.”

Neither of us corrected the nurse. Holden wasn’t my boyfriend, but by the time my brain strung the words together to set her straight, I’d forgotten what the hell I was trying to say.

“Messing with your drug-addled head is going to be so much fun.” Holden covered his mouth with his fist, attempting to hide his big-ass grin.

“You better be careful. I’ll knock you out with my cast if you try to rape me. Damn shame I didn’t have a weapon around when Dan did.”

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