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I nodded as the word no escaped my lips.

Holden laughed at the contradiction, then opened the cabinet above his head and pulled out a package of pancake mix.

“When you get more comfortable, feel free to have a seat.”

I visibly flinched and sucked in a shaky breath.

“Or you can continue to stand where you are. Do what feels best. This is a no pressure zone.”

“I’m good.” I cringed at the wobble in my voice. Shit, he could probably smell the waves of fear rolling off me right now.

Holden busied himself making more food while I finished what I had. I inched forward when he wasn’t looking, testing my instincts. At the moment, they weren’t screaming at me to run like they had so many times with Dan. Flashes of him chasing me in the woods the other night flickered through my mind and a small cry escaped me. White-hot panic coursed through my veins, and I dropped the plate on the floor. A loud crash filled the room, and pieces flew across the tile.

“I’m so sorry.” Without thinking, I knelt and began collecting the broken shards, my hands trembling.

“Hey, no. River, stop. I’ll get the broom. It’s only a plate. It’s okay.”

I immediately stood as it dawned on me that he could have taken the chance to hurt me, but he hadn’t. I stepped away.

“I’m sorry. I should leave.” I gripped the knife so hard pain shot through my arm as I backed up toward the door.

“River, it really isn’t a big deal. Please, don’t go.” He rose slowly, his kind eyes pleading with me. “Whatever happened, whatever you’re running from, I can help.”

Before he could say another word, I opened the slider and flew out of the house.

“River, wait!”

I cleared the outdoor table and sailed through the air. I’d jumped hurdles in cross country track like they were nothing. A little outdoor furniture wouldn’t stop me. But apparently my legs were still cold, and I misjudged the chair. My toe caught the back of it, and I tumbled to the ground. Swearing a blue streak, I scrambled to my feet and made a mad dash out of the fence and into the alley.

“River, I’m sorry.”

Dammit, he’s closing in. Panic propelled me forward. The last time I’d accidentally broken a dish, Dan had punched me in the stomach and side until he’d cracked a rib. The sorry son of a bitch never apologized either. No one would hurt me again. No one.

With another glance over my shoulder to see if Holden was still following me, I picked up my pace, pushing myself forward.

“River! Stop!”

Didn’t this guy understand that I wasn’t going to stay?

A loud horn blared at me, and I turned in time to see a red-and-black Mini Cooper headed straight for me.

Chapter Seven

My body rolled up onto the hood of the vehicle with a loud thud, then dropped off the car. I heard a crack and agonizing pain shot up my leg as I smacked the unforgiving pavement. Sobs shook me so hard I couldn’t see, and nausea twisted my stomach into knots.

“Holy shit! I’m sorry! She ran right in front of me,” the male driver explained.

“I saw what happened, Maxwell,” Holden said as he knelt beside me. “River, you’re going to have to trust me now. Let me look.”

I clenched my jaw, admitting defeat while angry tears streamed down my cheeks. Unable to speak, I simply nodded at him.

Seconds seemed like an eternity as he pulled the dirty and torn jean leg up carefully.

“I’ll cover the medical bill. Well, I’m sure my parents will. Maybe we can leave the insurance out of it?” Maxwell’s light brown eyes pleaded with me, then Holden.

“Shit, I think you broke it. We need to get you checked out at the hospital.” Without another word, Holden scooped me into his muscular arms. “Yeah, I’ll call you later, man. I need to get her to the emergency room.”

Holden hurried to the house. As he sat me on the kitchen counter, a scream tore from my throat. “Jesus, what did I break? It hurts so fucking bad.” I was used to pain, but not like this.
