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“Business. They travel all the time, which works for me because I get the place all to myself since Mallory is in Spain.”

“Your sister?” My stomach growled again, the smell of eggs pulling me a little closer to Holden and the kitchen. I was still close enough to the door to run if I had to.

“Yeah. She’s in Madrid for a year, studying.” He used air quotes as he said studying. “I mean seriously, what would you do if you were in Spain for a year?” Without allowing me to answer, he kept on speaking. “Drink, fuck, and shop.”

I sucked on my bottom lip, unsure of how to respond, but he continued and saved me from embarrassing myself.

“What’s your name?” He picked up the spatula and focused on the skillet full of eggs. “Nope, let me guess.” He grinned at me, his straight white teeth making me self-conscious of my own. Not that mine were bad, but my front lower ones were a little crooked.

“Okay.” I shyly tucked my hair behind my ear, my eyes following his every move.

“Natalie?” He peeked up from our food, and I shook my head. “Donna? Nope, never mind you don’t look like a Donna.” He tapped his chin up, appearing deep in thought as he focused on me.

I sucked in a sharp breath, heat creeping up my neck and cheeks in reaction to his attention.

“Freya, Jackie, Novie, Cassie?”

“None of those,” I said, fighting a smile.

“Alexa? Oh, you definitely look like an Alexa.” He quirked an eyebrow at me.

“I look like a talking disc or round ball?”

Holden threw his head back and laughed. “Nope, and I’m guessing you have way more personality than she does too.”

“I’ll be sure to share your feedback with Amazon.” I gave him a shy smile.

“Food’s up.” He loaded my plate with a fluffy omelet and sausage links. He placed it on the counter and whirled around, opened a drawer, and produced a fork. “Come get it.”

My heart and mind still waged a silent war. Was this his trap? Was he being kind and funny to lure me farther into the house? I stepped backward instead.

“Hang on,” Holden said gently, raising his hands in the air, but this time he backed out of the kitchen and a good distance down the hall. “If I brought you the food, I’d have a fork for you. I don’t want you to feel threatened, so I’m walking away so you can feel better about getting something to eat.”

I was so edgy that I hadn’t considered his dilemma. “Okay.” I cautiously approached the counter with a firm grip on my knife. Worst case scenario, I would throw my hot food in his face and bolt. I gathered my plate and silverware, then walked backward, my eyes never leaving his. My heel hit the slider, then my ass bumped the half-lowered blind, which clicked against the glass. I stood still, watching his next move. I hated being this wired, but Dan had left me broken. Over the years, he’d worn down my hopes and dreams that good people existed in this fucked up world. My one break had been college, and my goal was still to get there.

“Avery? Gemma? Lily?” He smiled and walked back to the kitchen.

“Nope.” I shoved a forkful of egg in my mouth and nearly moaned. “Oh my God, these are amazing. What did you season them with?”

“I’m glad you like them. It’s a recipe on my mom’s side.” He popped a sausage link into his mouth. “I’ll tell you what’s in the eggs if you tell me your name.”

I shook my head. “It’s a lot more fun hearing you guess. I do like Gemma, though. I mean if I changed my name, it would be on my list.”

“Okay, good to know.” He narrowed his eyes and continued to eat. “Haley? Linda? Eww, no. You’re definitely not a Linda. It’s such an ordinary name, and nothing about you is plain.” His eyes widened. “Shit, is your name Linda? If so, I’m sorry! I take it back.”

I giggled and pondered if I wanted to make him feel bad and tell him yes, but he’d been cool so far. “No, it’s not.”

Relief washed over his gorgeous features. “I would have felt like an ass if it were.”

“It’s River. River Collins,” I said softly around a mouthful of eggs.

“River?” He didn’t try to disguise his surprise, but most people didn’t. “Wow. I love it. Deep, free-flowing, running … exactly like the girl in my recycling bin.” He lowered his empty plate to the counter and placed his silverware down.

My cheeks flamed red. I wasn’t sure if he was making fun of me or if it was just how he saw me.

“My mom named me, but she’s uhh … I haven’t seen her since I was three.” I forced away the dark memories and focused on what was right in front of me.

“Well, River, your mom did well. It’s a unique name. I like it.” He leaned against the kitchen counter and folded his arms over his chest. “Are you still hungry? I can make pancakes if you’d like.”
