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Snatching it up, I tightly gripped the small device. “It doesn’t prove anything. You could have scheduled everything three months beforehand.”

Tim nodded. “I understand that you don’t believe me, but when did the furniture company schedule the time and date to deliver?”

I swallowed hard. “Palmer’s contacted me three days before the drop off date, but they didn’t give me a time. They mentioned a six-hour window. However, they didn’t call until they were on their way.”

“Holden, I was in the air and on my way to Spokane that entire day. I hadn’t spoken to you or your mother. I had no idea what company you were working with, what day, or time you were moving into the penthouse.”

My heart sank to my toes. “Where were you flying in from? It would be easy to have cell and internet access.”

“Monte Carlo.”

Tim might as well have slammed my head face-first into the table. He just didn’t know it. The bastard had confirmed the information Brynn had shared with River and me. I turned away from him and stared out of the window, watching the traffic whiz by.

My attention landed on him again. “What’s in Monte Carlo?”

“My business. I work with men all over the world.” Tim picked up the silver cream holder and added more to his coffee.

I gripped the water glass and dragged my thumb up and down the condensation. Moisture pooled onto the table, creating a ring on the tabletop.

“Do I want to know what you really do?” I quirked a brow at him while my pulse hammered against my wrist.

“That depends.”

“On what?” Tension slithered down my neck and shoulder blades. Was he about to confess about the weapons?

“If you want to join me. I came back to recruit you, Holden. To show you a life that you could only dream of.” The caring father façade he’d cloaked himself in shed like a snake’s skin, revealing his true intentions.

Jesus. What the fuck was happening?

A beat of silence permeated the space between us. Crossing my arms over my chest, I glared at him. “What’s the offer?” I suddenly wished I’d placed my cell phone in my lap so I could secretly record the conversation, but the restaurant noise would have most likely blocked out Tim’s voice regardless.

“Come with me and I’ll show you. I’ll introduce you to some of the most powerful men in the world. Leave your life and that girl behind. She’s not worth it, son. She’s nothing but trailer trash,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone, a smirk tugging at his features.

I shot up, reached across the table, and jerked him by the collar of his shirt. “Careful what you say, old man,” I ground out past clenched teeth.

Arrogance and fear flickered in Tim’s eyes, and I inwardly smiled. He remembered the last time I beat the shit out of him. Realizing the majority of people in the diner were staring at me, I released him and slowly sat back down.

“I understand your reaction, Holden. But after you left, Logan admitted that he knows River. The man who raised her owed Logan a large amount of money. Before you get it into your head, Logan didn’t have anything to do with River’s disappearance either.”

Joanie interrupted our conversation and placed plates of steaming food in front of us.

I unrolled my napkin, the fork, knife, and spoon tumbling free and clattering against the table. I grabbed a utensil in an attempt to busy my hand and not to lose my shit. Unable to calm myself down, I shoveled a fork full of scrambled eggs into my mouth.

“I know this is a lot to consider, but it will be worth your time, Holden. Leave the childish dream of your clubs and friends behind. You deserve so much more.” Tim nonchalantly cut into his pancakes, then took a bite as though we were discussing the weather.

For the first time in my twenty-two years, I really saw Tim Alastair. The reality of who he truly was broke through every false idea that I had of him. He was a selfish, sick man. All he cared about was money. Not me, not his other kids, and not his soon-to-be ex-wife. Just money.

I shook my head in disappointment. Setting my fork on the edge of my plate, I wiped my lips with the napkin and tossed it on the table. My eyes connected with his. “Is it true then?”

“You have to be more specific, Holden.” Tim took a healthy bite of his bacon, never breaking his gaze from mine.

“Do you sell illegal weapons?”

Chapter Nine

The color drained from Tim’s face. Checkmate, motherfucker.

Before Zayne and I had arrived, we’d agreed on a few signals in case I found myself in trouble. Rub my chin if I suspected Tim had River or run my fingers through my hair if Tim divulged information about her. What I hadn’t anticipated was Tim trying to recruit me, then me shoving my foot into my mouth.

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