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“Morning,” I said, sitting on the hard leather booth seat. I moved to the middle while Tim folded the New York Times and set it next to him. He smoothed his navy shirt. Although he was dressed for business, he hadn’t worn a tie, which led me to believe I was his first meeting of the day.

“Morning, son. I’m guessing you didn’t get any sleep?” His expression twisted with satisfaction. He was obviously up to something.

“No.” I held my cup out for Joanie, who stared at me as she poured the black coffee. I’d need a lot more than one refill.

Tim placed his elbows on the table and leaned closer to me. “Is there any word of her at all?”

I pursed my lips and shook my head. I blew on my steaming drink, then took a sip and winced, allowing the hot, bitter liquid to seep into every nook and cranny of my being.

Zayne caught my attention as he slipped in and planted himself in the corner nearest our booth. He hadn’t been gone long. Maybe he’d had to go to the restroom. He folded his arms over his chest, his biceps bulging against the sleeves of his black Westbrook Security polo shirt.

Joanie returned with a tall glass of water and placed it on the table in front of me. “What can I get you, gentlemen?”

I nearly scoffed. Tim was no gentleman, but I had to keep my shit together. I could lose it after he left Spokane again.

Realizing it would be best if I ate, I ordered scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon, hash browns, and a biscuit with a side of gravy. If I couldn’t stomach it all, I’d take some home. It wouldn’t last two seconds around Chance and Jace.

The second the waitress left, Tim began talking. “I’ve been asking around, son, but so far I’ve hit a wall. What else can you tell me about River’s disappearance?”

Was he fishing for information to see how close I was to finding her so that he could redirect me?

“Palmer’s Furniture delivered and moved everything to the penthouse for us. I was waiting for River to come up, but Zayne called me and told me to meet him at the loading dock. When I arrived, Zayne had her purse. Her phone was in it.” I studied him, searching for any clue that he was behind it, but apparently Tim had years of practice because he simply returned my intense gaze as though I was the one under scrutiny.

“I assume the police have spoken with everyone who worked that shift.”

I nodded. “They said they were going to, but I haven’t heard anything from them.” I had no intention of disclosing that I’d hired Pierce and Sutton. They’d be able to find out more information than the cops simply because they had an inside connection to the FBI.

“The fact that her purse and phone were left behind indicates she didn’t willingly leave you, Holden.” Sincerity flashed in his eyes.

“I never thought that was the case.” I leaned back into the booth. “We weren’t having problems and there was absolutely no indication that she wanted to move out of the area or end our relationship.”

Tim cleared his throat, a faraway look occupying his expression. “People aren’t ever what they seem, Holden. You’re old enough to start learning that. Trust no one. Always be aware. You’re an Alastair and wealthy at the age of twenty-two. Someone will always be after what you love.”

What? This conversation was taking a strange turn. “What are you trying to tell me?” I clenched my teeth together, willing myself not to flat out ask him if he took River. It would get me absolutely nowhere.

“I’ve made choices that put my life on a different path. If I’d realized how it would have affected me today, I wouldn’t have ever … agreed.” He gave me a sad smile. “I know I can’t repair things with your mother, and honestly I don’t want to. But you and Mallory are important to me.”

Who was this guy? Was he such a narcissist to think him attacking River was forgivable?

“If I were in your shoes, sitting across from my father, I’d have a few questions.” He drained his coffee cup and set it on the edge of the table for a refill.

“Like what?” I toyed with the corner of the paper napkin that was wrapped around my silverware.

“I’d want to know if he had anything to do with River’s disappearance.” His forehead creased as he analyzed my reaction.

I gave him none. “Did you?” My heart hammered against my chest as I waited for his response.

“No. I swear to you that I wasn’t involved in any way.”

Fuck. Not involved in any way meant he wasn’t behind hiring someone either.

“Again, if I were in your shoes, I’d want some kind of proof that I wasn’t lying.”

His eyes bored into mine. A flicker of doubt crossed his features. Tim straightened his leg beneath the table, slid his hand into his pocket, then produced a thumb drive and moved it toward me. “This will prove that I’m not lying to you.”

I stared at it as though it might burst into flame. “What is it?”

“Security footage of me at the time she was taken as well as my phone records for this month.”

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